Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding an EMC Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring File Blocking
- About File Blocking rules
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
File System Archiving cmdlets error handling
The File System Archiving cmdlets write the error information directly on the PowerShell host.
Table: File System Archiving cmdlet errors describes the standard set of errors that the cmdlets return.
Table: File System Archiving cmdlet errors
ErrorID | Reason for failure | Action |
CannotDetermineFreeDiskSpaceOnFileServer | The cmdlet is unable to determine the available free disk space on file server. | Ensure that the pass-through recall cache location specified in the command is valid and accessible. |
CannotUpdateNetAppPHRecallSettings | The cmdlet cannot update the placeholder recall settings for the specified NetApp file server because either placeholder recall is not enabled or you have chosen to disable placeholder recalls in the command. | Enable placeholder recalls on the NetApp file server for which you want to update placeholder recall settings. |
CannotUseFolderPolicyWithPlaceholders |
CannotUsePassthroughSettings |
CannotUseVolumePolicyWithPlaceholders |
| Use a different volume policy or modify the volume policy settings for the placeholder. |
CannotUseVolumePolicyWithQuotas | You can configure quota settings only when the volume target is an NTFS file system and the path is the drive path. For example, C:\, E:\, and so on. | Use a different volume policy or modify the volume policy. |
CannotValidatePassThroughCacheLocation | The cmdlet cannot validate the pass-through cache location that is specified in the command. | Ensure that the pass-through recall cache location that is specified in the command is valid and accessible. |
EnterpriseVaultDirectoryServiceNotAvailable | The Enterprise Vault Directory service is not running on the Enterprise Vault computer. | Start the Enterprise Vault Directory service if it is not running. Check the event logs for any other errors. |
ErrorCheckingFSALicense | The cmdlet cannot connect to the Enterprise Vault server to get the File System Archiving license information. | Check whether the Enterprise Vault server is reachable. Also check that the DCOM communication works. |
ErrorDeletingFSAFolder | An unknown error has occurred. | Check the DTrace logs for more information. |
ErrorGettingFileSystemName | The cmdlet cannot get volume information of the share folder. | Check whether the share is reachable and the user running the cmdlet has appropriate permissions on the share. |
FailedToDetectFileServerType |
FailedToRemoveFileServer | The specified file server cannot be removed due to unknown errors. | Enable DTrace logs and re-run the cmdlet. Check event logs and DTrace logs for more information. |
FileServerContainsVolumes | The specified file server has associated volumes that are configured for File System Archiving. | Remove all the associated volumes of the specified file server. |
FileServerIsProxyOfNetAppFileServer | The specified Windows file server is configured as a File Blocking proxy server for some other NetApp server. | Open Vault Administration Console and update the configuration of all the NetApp file servers where this Windows file server is configured as a File Blocking proxy server. |
FolderDoesNotExist | The specified folder does not exist or is not accessible on the network. | Check whether the folder is reachable, and the Vault Service account and the user running the cmdlet have appropriate permissions on the server. |
FolderPolicyNotConfiguredInEVSite | The specified folder policy is not configured in the given Enterprise Vault site. | Specify a folder policy that is configured in the given Enterprise Vault site. |
FSAErrorGettingServiceStatus |
FSAErrorGettingVolumeInformation |
FSAFileServerAlreadyConfigured | You have already added the file server to the Enterprise Vault site as a File System Archiving target. | |
FSAFileServerDataMoverAccountDetailsRequired | You have not specified Data Mover account credentials for the Celerra/VNX file server that you want to update. | Specify the Data Mover account credentials for the Celerra/VNX file server when you enable placeholder shortcuts for the first time. |
FSAFileServerDataMoverAccountValidationFailed | The cmdlet cannot validate the DHSM settings that you provided for the Celerra/VNX file server. | Make sure that you specify valid DHSM settings. |
FSAFileServerDataMoverPasswordLengthIncorrect | The password that is provided for the Celerra/VNX Data Mover user account is invalid. | Ensure that the Data Mover account password contains between 1 to 15 characters. |
FSAFileServerDataMoverUserNameLengthIncorrect | The user name that is provided for the Celerra/VNX Data Mover user account is invalid. | Ensure that the Data Mover account user name contains between 1 to 1024 characters. |
FSAFileServerDHSMCommunicationError | The cmdlet failed to communicate with the Celerra/VNX file server because of one of the following reasons:
| Make sure that you specify valid DHSM settings. |
FSAFileServerDHSMConfigurationNotAllowed | The cmdlet cannot update the DHSM settings for the specified Celerra/VNX file server because either placeholder shortcuts are disabled or you have chosen to disable placeholder shortcuts in the command. | Enable placeholder shortcuts on the Celerra/VNX file server for which you want to update DHSM settings. |
FSAFileServerFailedToConfigure | An unknown error has occurred. | Check Event logs and DTrace logs for more information. |
FSAFileServerIPAddressNotAllowed | You have specified the IP address of the file server. | Specify the fully qualified domain name or UNC name or Alias name of the file server. |
FSAFileServerNotConfiguredInEVSite | The specified file server is not configured in the Administration Console for the given Enterprise Vault site. |
FSAFileServerNotFoundInNetwork | The specified file server is not accessible on the network. | Ensure that the file server is accessible on the network. |
FSAFileServerUnsupportedOS | The version of the operating system on the specified file server is not supported. | Specify a file server that is running a supported operating system. Refer to the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts for the list of supported operating system versions for Windows file servers. |
FSAFolderAlreadyConfigured | You have already added the folder to the Enterprise Vault site as a File System Archiving target. | |
FSAFolderFailedToConfigure | The cmdlet failed to configure the specified folder. | Ensure that you have the required permissions on the folder that you want to configure. |
FSAFolderInvalidPolicyParameter | You have specified a folder policy along with the parameter UseVolumePolicy set to true. | If you want the cmdlet to use the folder policy, set UseVolumePolicy to false. If you want the cmdlet to use the volume policy, do not specify a folder policy. |
FSAFolderNotConfiguredInEVSite | The specified folder is not set up for archiving on the file server. Therefore you cannot update, delete, or retrieve properties of the folder. | Use New-EVFSAFolder cmdlet to configure the folder. |
FSAFolderPolicyNotSpecified | You have set the parameter UseVolumePolicy set to false, but have not specified a folder policy. | Specify a folder policy that is configured in the given Enterprise Vault site. |
FSALicenseNotFound | The File System Archiving license is not installed on the Enterprise Vault server. | The File System Archiving license is required for adding new volumes. See Installing and Configuring for information about licenses. |
FSALoggingDetectionFailedOnCelerra | The cmdlet failed to check if logging is enabled on the EMC Celerra/VNX file server because of one of the following reasons:
| Check whether the file server is reachable from Enterprise Vault server. |
FSAPlaceholderDetectionFailedOnCelerra | The cmdlet failed to check if placeholder creation is enabled on the EMC Celerra/VNX file server because of one of the following reasons:
FSATaskNotConfiguredOnEVServer | The specified File System Archiving task does not exist on the same computer as the Enterprise Vault server that manages the vault store. | Add the File System Archiving task on the Enterprise Vault server which manages the associated vault store. |
FSATaskRunning |
FSAUpdateFailedInvalidParameter | The specified parameters are invalid to update the specified type of file server. | Specify valid parameters and run Set-EVFSAFileServer. |
FSAUpdateParameterNotSpecified | You have not specified any parameters to execute Set-EVFSAFileServer. | Specify at least one parameter along with -Identifier to execute Set-EVFSAFileServer. |
FSAVolumeNotConfiguredInEVSite | The specified File System Archiving volume is not set up for archiving on the file server. Therefore you cannot update, delete, or retrieve properties of the volume. | Use New-EVFSAVolume cmdlet to configure the volume. |
FSAVolumePolicyNotCreatedForEVSite | The specified FSA volume policy is not configured in the Administration Console for the given Enterprise Vault site. | Add the FSA volume policy in using the New Policy Wizard. |
FSAVolumeValidationUnknownError | An unknown error occurred. | Check Event logs and DTrace logs for more information. |
FailedToCheckPassthroughSettings |
FailedToGetFSATaskStatus | The cmdlet cannot connect to the Enterprise Vault server on which the File System Archiving task is configured. | Check whether the Enterprise Vault server is reachable and the user running the cmdlet has appropriate permissions on the server. |
FileSystemNotSupportedForArchiving | The volume has Resilient File System (ReFS) or Cluster Shared Volume File System (CSVFS) installed. | Use a volume that has NTFS file system installed. |
IgnoreVolumeRulesCanOnlyBeUsedWithFolderPolicy | You have specified -IgnoreVolumeRules without specifying a folder policy. | Specify -IgnoreVolumeRules along with -Policy. |
InvalidPassThroughCacheLocation | The specified pass-through recall cache location is incorrect. | Ensure that the pass-through recall cache location that is specified in the command is valid and is accessible. |
NotificationToFSAAgentFailed |
ParameterNotSpecified | You have not specified any parameters to run the Set-EVFSAVolume cmdlet. | Specify at least one parameter to update. For example, TaskName or TaskId, PolicyName or PolicyId, DisableArchiving or PassthroughRecall. |
PassThroughCacheLocationNotSpecified | You have not specified the pass-through recall cache location in this command. | Specify the pass-through recall cache location. |
PassThroughInsufficientFreeDiskSpace | You cannot specified a cache size that is greater than the available disk space. | Ensure that there is sufficient free space or specify a smaller cache size. |
PassThroughRecallSettingNotEnabled | Pass-through recall is not enabled or you have chosen to disable pass-through recall in this command. | Enable pass-through recalls on the Windows file server to update pass-through recall settings. |
PHRecallSettingsNotApplicable | The file server for which you want to update placeholder recall settings is not a NetApp file server. | Ensure that the file server you want to update placeholder recall settings for is a NetApp file server. |
PipelineStopped | One of the cmdlet operations from the pipeline failed and threw a terminating exception. | Check the errors that are displayed on the Enterprise Vault Management Shell and take appropriate action. |
ShareAlreadyConfiguredForArchiving | The specified share has already been configured for the specified file server. Therefore you cannot use the New-EVFSAVolume cmdlet to add the share. | Specify a different share name. |
ShareNotFoundOnFileServer | The specified share is not found on the network. | Ensure that the share path exists and is correct. |
UnauthorizedAccess | You are not authorized to perform this operation. |
VaultStoreMarkedForDeletion | The specified vault store is marked for deletion. | Use a different vault store. |
VaultStoreNotConfiguredInSite | The specified Vault Store is not configured for the given Enterprise Vault site. | Add the vault store using the New Vault Store wizard. |