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Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up File System Archiving (FSA)
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.1)
- About this guide
- About File System Archiving
- About FSA shortcut files
- Steps to configure File System Archiving
- Adding a Windows file server to File System Archiving
- About archiving from Windows Server 2012 file servers
- Permissions and privileges required by the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Adding a NetApp filer to File System Archiving
- Adding a NetApp C-Mode Vserver to File System Archiving
- Adding an EMC Celerra/VNX device to File System Archiving
- Configuring FSA with clustered file servers
- Troubleshooting the configuration of FSA with clustered file servers
- Installing the FSA Agent
- Defining volume and folder policies
- About selecting the shortcut type for an FSA policy
- About FSA policy archiving rules
- Configuring the deletion of archived files on placeholder deletion
- Configuring target volumes, target folders, and archive points
- About adding target volumes, target folders, and archive points for FSA
- About managing archive points
- Archive point properties
- Effects of modifying, moving, or deleting folders
- About deleting target folders, volumes, and file servers
- Configuring pass-through recall for placeholder shortcuts
- Configuring and managing retention folders
- Configuring File Blocking
- About File Blocking rules
- Configuring and running FSA tasks
- Using Run Now to process FSA targets manually
- Configuring file system filtering
- Managing the file servers
- PowerShell cmdlets for File System Archiving
- Appendix A. Permissions and privileges required for the Vault Service account on Windows file servers
- Permissions required by the Vault Service account for the FSA Agent
Configuring the FPolicy server details
To configure the FPolicy server details you need to provide the following information:
The credentials of the domain user account that is used to register the FPolicy on the Vserver. This user account is granted ONTAPI access permission on the Vserver.
The port number for Enterprise Vault FPolicy servers. The Vserver's FPolicy engine attempts to establish a connection with the Enterprise Vault FPolicy server using the specified port.
To configure the FPolicy user account credentials
- Expand the Administration Console tree until the Targets container is visible.
- Expand Targets.
- Right-click the File Servers container and, on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
- Click the NetApp C-Mode tab.
- In the Account text box, enter the user account credentials in the format of DomainName\UserName, where DomainName is the name of the Active directory domain of the user account.
The value you enter here is case-sensitive. When you create the login and grant ONTAPI permission for this user on the NetApp C-Mode Vserver, make sure that you use the correct case.
- Enter the password.
- In the Port Number text box, enter the FPolicy server port number.
The port number should not be greater than 65535.
- Click OK.