NetBackup™ Self Service Configuration Guide
- Configuring a Self Service solution
- Configuring a NetBackup master server
- Configuring Self Service
- Customizing Self Service
- User authentication methods
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. NetBackup policy types
- Appendix B. Dashboard traffic light status and usage
- Appendix C. Synchronizing data from NetBackup
- Appendix D. NetBackup Self Service data caching process
- Appendix E. Integration settings
- Appendix F. REST API
- Appendix G. Glossary
Configuring protection
A protection type defines all the ways a user can protect an asset. If all your users' assets have similar backup requirements you may only need a single protection type. If you offer different protection options for some assets, then each option needs a protection type. Examples of different protection types can include SQL servers, cloud volumes, or a mix of virtual and physical computers. As a general rule you need a protection type for each NetBackup Policy Type you support.
Within each protection type you can define a number of managed, unmanaged and Backup Now protection levels. Managed and Backup Now protection levels are the options that users see when they protect or back up an asset. They can be used to provide varying schedules, retention levels, or other options that you can configure directly on a NetBackup policy.
Each managed protection level or Backup Now level then defines one or more policies. These represent the policies that are created on the backup server in response to a user selecting that level. They define how the policy on the backup server is created, and how it is named. Each unmanaged protection level defines one or more policies. These represent manually created policies on the backup server.
Additionally you can configure a protection level to enable the availability of a Backup Now action. Use this Backup Now action for a computer using the policy it's protected by within the protection level.
Any changes you make to the protection definition are not automatically applied to NetBackup. The changes are not applied to the computers that use this protection type. If the change results in a different set of target policies, existing computers now have an unknown protection level. This change is shown as a black checkmark. You can remove the unknown protection level policies from each asset or container and reapply the modified protection level.
From the Protection Types cog button on the Protection page, select .
Table: Settings on Protection Types
Item | Details |
Name | The name identifying a protection type. This option is displayed to the users. |
Code | The unique code for this protection type. NetBackup policies use this code in the policy name. For example [CustomerCode]-[Code]-[...] |
With a protection type selected, click the relevant Name, Description, and Color properties are all used to distinguish the level for users. The other settings control functionality.
option. TheTable: Settings on Protection Levels and Backup Now Levels
Item | Details |
Name | Name of the level (for users). |
Description | A description that helps the users decide between different levels. |
Code | Code is used when creating NetBackup policies that are associated with this level. It forms part of the name of the policy created. It must be unique within the protection type. |
Color | Color is mainly used in the user screens to visually distinguish the different levels that are applied to different computers. |
Request type code | Should be left at the default value (DBNEWBACK for protection levels, DBBACKNOW for Backup Now levels) unless you need to customize the system. Note: This setting is not relevant to unmanaged protection levels and is not displayed on the screen. For Managed and Backup Now, you can display the field if you select . |
Visible | Controls the visibility of the level to users. Note: This setting is not relevant to unmanaged protection levels and is not displayed on the screen. |
From the details of a Protection Level or Backup Now Level, click to create a policy within that level.
Managed protection levels offer the options shown: Scheduled, Scheduled with File Selection, Cloud Protection Plan, Immediate, and Immediate with File Selection. Backup Now protection levels offer the options shown: Immediate and Immediate with File Selection.
File Protection policies let you protect a list of files or folders on the target computer. File protection is only available for Standard (0) and MS-Windows (13) Policy Types. Immediate policies are run as a one-off backup using a new policy, rather than being added to an ongoing scheduled policy.
On the Policy you can set its Code. You can also see the Target Policy Name that is created with a combination of the code and the parent protection type and protection level codes.
Table: Settings on Policies
Item | Details |
Name | Used only for administration; not displayed to users. |
Code | Code must be unique within the containing level. NetBackup policies use this code in the policy name. For example CustomerCode-Code-[...]. If there is only one policy within the level you may leave the code blank. |
Target Policy Name | Not editable. This field shows an example of the name of the target policy that is created on the backup server when a user selects this level. It is made up of the three codes from protection type, level (either protection level or Backup Now) and policy code. Note: This setting is not relevant to unmanaged protection levels and is not displayed on the screen. |
Policy Name | This setting is for unmanaged protection level only. The policy determines which backups in the catalog are used to calculate the traffic light status. You can specify an exact policy name or use * to match backups from any policy. |
Template Name | The name of a template policy that exists on the backup server which is copied to create the target policy. You can either accept the default name, choose from an existing template, or specify a template name that you create later. Note: This setting is not relevant to unmanaged protection levels and is not displayed on the screen. More information is available. |
Policy Type | You must specify the NetBackup policy type of the template policy. Note: This setting is not relevant to unmanaged protection levels and is not displayed on the screen. |
Always Show as Protected | Used to bypass the calculation of a computer's traffic light status. When selected the computer always shows as protected. |
Warning (hours) | Used in the calculation of a computer's traffic light status. More information is available. If the field is left blank computers without a backup are flagged for attention. If the field is completed, the computer is flagged for attention when a backup with the correct policy name has not occurred within the specified number of hours. |
Single Client Backup Schedule Name | If you enter a value in this field, this Protection Level is shown as a option once a computer has been protected with the level. This field specifies the name of the Schedule that is used when the backup of the single computer is initiated. Note: This field applies only to scheduled policies. |
Storage Lifecycle Policy Name | The name of the storage lifecycle policy that is used when the policy is copied. |
VM File Restore | Use this field to determine if the virtual machine backup extracts information to allow for file restore. This field is only available for VMware or Hyper-V policies. |
Client Selection Type | Use this field to select how computers are identified in a VMware or Hyper-V policy. Options are:
If you use vCloud Director Imports then you must use Query Display Name. This option allows vApp and vDC protection as well as the import only obtaining the VM Display Name. This field is only available for VMware or Hyper-V policies. |
Policies that are created within a Backup Now level are always set to Run Immediately. Backup Now policies do not have the option. Managed protection levels need to contain at least one policy that is not Run Immediately, before they are available for users to select.
You may want to have different protection levels change schedule information when the policy that protects the computer is created. This option helps reduce the number of template policies you create on your backup servers. Schedule overrides allow a number of changes to be made. Use
in a policy to create an override for each schedule that you want to modify.Table: Schedule Overrides settings
Item | Details |
Name | The name of the schedule that you want to modify. The schedule must exist in the template policy. You can either select from the list or enter the name. |
Override Frequency | If this option is selected you can set the frequency at which the schedule runs. |
Override Storage Lifecycle Policy Name | If this option is selected you can either select or enter the name of a Storage Lifecycle Policy this schedule uses. This option cannot be used with . |
Override Retention Level | If this option is selected you can either select a retention level or enter the number that is associated with the retention level. This option cannot be used with . |
Override Backup Window | If this option is selected you can set the backup window for the schedule. You can either use the mouse to create windows in the grid, or use the detailed settings. The values completely replace the backup window that is associated with the schedule. |
You may want to specify multiple policies within a single level. For example, you want to provide protection for a database server with policies to back up both the database and the operating system.
After you add a protection level and the associated policies, click Protection page. This action ensures that this data matches policies on the NetBackup master servers. The cog icon becomes animated which indicates that the check is active. The check reviews each defined backup server in the system for the template policies that correspond to the protection levels. Please be aware the system does not check for unmanaged protection levels. Any issues within template policies are highlighted on screen. If you click the highlighted row, further details about the issue that must be resolved are displayed. Once the issues are resolved on the backup server you can refresh to confirm that they are correct. More information about template policy creation is available.
link from the cog icon on theSee Creating NetBackup Template Policies.
From the details of a Protection Level, click and select to create a plan within that level.
Self Service uses the details in a
to create an appropriate Protection Plan on the NetBackup master server when assets are protected. The created Protection Plan is named after the codes of the Protection Type, Level, and Plan, and displayed in the Cloud Protection Plan UI.Cloud Protection Plans can set multiple schedules, but must always have at least one.