Enterprise Vault.cloud™ SharePoint Archival Tool Administration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving (Version Not Specified)

Selecting the SharePoint sites to archive from

When you have completed the SharePoint Archival Tool application configuration, the tool retrieves the title and URL for each of your SharePoint server sites. You can then select the sites that you want to archive from.

To select the SharePoint sites to archive from

  1. In the left navigation pane of the SharePoint Archival Tool, select Archival Settings.
  2. In the table of your SharePoint sites on the Archival Settings page, check the check box for each site that you want to archive from.
  3. To archive all of the existing versions of each document in a site when an archival event runs for the first time, check Archive all document versions. If you do not check this option, only the latest version of each document is sent for archiving when the archival event runs for the first time.

    This setting determines the tool's behavior only on the first occasion that it archives from a site. Once the first archival event has run for a site, previous versions of the documents cannot be archived.


    If you choose this option, be aware that the archival process may adversely affect the performance of both the SharePoint server and the SharePoint Archival Tool. To archive all of the previous versions of every document can involve a very large amount of data.

  4. Click Save to save your settings.