Enterprise Vault.cloud™ SharePoint Archival Tool Administration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving (Version Not Specified)

Configuring the SharePoint Archival Tool

Once the SharePoint Archival Tool is installed you can perform the application configuration.

To configure the SharePoint Archival Tool

  1. Click Start > Programs > ArchiveTools > ArchiveTools SharePoint Archival.
  2. In the left navigation pane of the SharePoint Archival Tool, select Configuration.
  3. Complete the SharePoint Administrator Credentials section of the page as follows:


    Enter the SharePoint domain of the sites that you want to archive.

    SharePoint Admin

    Enter the user name of a SharePoint administrator.


    Enter the password for the SharePoint administrator.

  4. Click Test Credentials to verify the SharePoint administrator credentials you entered.
  5. Complete the SMTP Server Settings to configure the details of the SMTP server that is to send the SharePoint documents to Enterprise Vault.cloud:

    SMTP Server does not require authentication

    Check this option if the SMTP server does not require authentication for access.

    If you select this option, the User Name and Password fields become disabled because these details are not required.

    Server Name/IP

    Enter the server name or IP address with which to access the SMTP server.


    Enter the port number with which to access the SMTP server. The supplied default is port 25.

    User Name

    Enter the user name of the account to use for SMTP server access if you did not check the SMTP Server does not require authentication check box.


    Enter the password of the account to use for SMTP server access if you did not check the SMTP Server does not require authentication check box.

  6. Click Test Connection after to verify the SMTP server settings.
  7. In the Cloud Archive Journal Address section, enter your Enterprise Vault.cloud journaling address.


    This address is a unique journaling address created for your company. Contact customer support if you do not have this address available.

  8. In the SharePoint Storage Method section, complete the options as follows:

    Archive Email Address

    Enter an archive account email address that is to receive archived SharePoint documents.

    The storage method you select determines the purpose of this email address:

    • If you select the Central storage method, all of the archived documents are sent to this email address.

    • If you select the Distributed storage method, archived documents are sent to this email address only when a document cannot be sent to the document owner.


    Select this storage method if you want to send all archived documents to the address that you specified in Archive Email Address.


    Select this storage method if you want to send the archived documents to the archive account email address of the document owner.

    Archived documents are only sent to the Archive Email Address if Enterprise Vault.cloud cannot find the document owner in the archive.

  9. When you have completed the application configuration, click Save at the top of the Configuration page.