Arctera™ Insight eDiscovery Help
- About Arctera Insight eDiscovery
- Getting started with Insight eDiscovery
- Insight eDiscovery roles
- Managing investigations
- About Targeted Collections
- About Searches in investigation
- Working with searched emails
- Working with searched collaboration messages
- Working with searched files
- Working with Advanced ECA searches
- Applying tags to the Advanced ECA search items
- Applying labels to the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting the Advanced ECA search items
- Exporting an Advanced ECA search summary report
- About Mail Reassignment
- About labels
- About legal holds
- About Tags
- About search log
- Managing cases
- About searches in eDiscovery
- Managing case documents
- Managing redaction reasons
- Managing reviews
- Reviewing emails
- Reviewing collaboration messages
- Reviewing files
- Managing production sets
- Annotating and redacting content in native viewer
- Managing exports
- Collaborative reports
- Insight eDiscovery alerts
- Email Continuity
- Methods for searching cases and accounts
- Boolean operator searches
- Methods for searching tables and reports
- Insight eDiscovery Frequently Asked Questions
- Best practices, limitations, and known issues
- Insight eDiscovery updates in previous releases
Search examples and tips
Suppose you want to search for the messages that relate to the resetting of a password. You can enter password reset into the Search box and click
to perform a Search. The space between password and reset is treated as an AND operator, so the returned results contain any messages that include both the word password and the word reset.Suppose that you now decide to search for the phrase password reset, and to exclude from the results any emails that reference the word Box. You can use an Advanced Search for this purpose. Click the expand icon to display the Advanced Search options. Your original Search is now shown in the first criteria row.
Insert double quotation marks around password reset to specify it as a phrase. Then click
to add a second criteria row. In the new criteria row, select and enter Box in the text field.Click
to perform the search. The search returns any items that do not contain Box but that contain the exact phrase password reset.Table: List of query search terms lists some possible query search terms along with examples.
Table: List of query search terms
Search term | Data type | Description | Example |
_All, Entiremessage | Text | Searches through all default fields. Add search criterion before query text/value. | _All:(test or test2) "hello world" Entiremessage:test |
Attachments.content | Text | Search by attachment content. | Attachments.content: "Hello World" |
Attachments.extension | Text | Search by attachment file type (PDF, DOC, docx, and so on.) | Attachments.extension:docx |
Attachments.filename | Text | Search by the file name of the attachment. | Attachments.filename:Report.PDF |
Attcount | Integer | Search by the amount of attachments. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Attcount:6 |
Attflag | Boolean | Search by whether there is an attachment. | Attflag:true |
Atttext | Text | Search the content of the attachments. | Atttext:Computers |
Atttypes | Text | Search by the attachment type. | Atttypes:PDF |
Bcc | Text | Search by blind carbon copy recipients. | Sender:* |
Cc | Text | Search by carbon copy recipients. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Sender:* |
Classification.tags | Text | Search by classification tags. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Classification.tags:PII |
FromOrTo | Text | Search the text in the From and/or To fields of the email. | |
Hidden | Boolean | Search whether email is visible to end user or not. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Email Hidden: Hidden:(1) Email Visible: NOT Hidden:(1) |
Inbound | Boolean | Search inbound emails. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Inbound:false |
Ipheader | IP Address | Search by the IP header of the email. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Specific IP Address: Ipheader:( IP Address using wildcards: Ipheader:(10.*.1.1) AND Ipheader:(10.201.?.1) |
MessageDate | Date Time | Search by the date the message was sent. | Closed Range: MessageDate: [2018-01-01T00:00:00 TO 2019-12-31T23:59:59] Open Range: MessageDate: {2018-01-01T00:00:00 TO 2019-12-31T23:59:59} |
Messagesizeinkb | Floating Point Number | Search by total size of the email. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Messagesizeinkb:[2.5 TO 5] |
Outbound | Boolean | Search whether a user sent the email. Note: This query search term does not support the Searches for the Microsoft Teams messages. | Outbound:true |
Sender | Text | Search by the sender address(es). | Sender:* |
Subject | Text | Search by the subject of the email. | Subject:IT |
SubjectBody | Text | Search the text in the subject of emails and/or in the content of the email. | SubjectBody:Test |
Textbody | Text | Search the text content of the email. | Textbody: "Hello World!" |
To | Text | Search by recipient. | To:* |
Examples of Query Searches:
SourceType:{"Exchange" OR "Citrix"}
MessageDate:[2016-05-14T05:00:00 TO 2019-06-18T08:00:00]
Messagesizeinkb:[0.0 TO 11.5]
Subject:(export OR report)
MessageDate:[2016-05-14T05:00:00 TO 2019-06-18T08:00:00] AND subject:archive
Sender:(* OR * OR *
Atttypes:(pdf OR docx) AND atttext:process
Attachments.filename:(Report.PDF or Export.docx)
, , and search options are available within an Advanced Search.The To, BCC, and CC fields.
option provides search results from theThe From field.
option provides search results from theThe From and To fields.
option provides search results from the
One way to search for items within a specific domain is to enter the domain name in the To field of an Advanced Search.
You can use wildcards to search for results from a group of similar domains. For example mycloud* returns emails for the domains that begin with mycloud.