Veritas NetBackup™ 52xx Appliance Initial Configuration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (3.1.2)
Platform: 5230,5240

Overview of the initial configuration pages in the NetBackup Appliance Web Console

The NetBackup Appliance Web Console lets you perform the initial configuration through a series of pages where you enter the appropriate information. The following shows each page along with a brief description of the required information.

Welcome to Appliance Setup

This page appears when you log on to an appliance that is not configured. It provides a short summary of the necessary information for the initial configuration.

Figure: Welcome to Appliance Setup page

Welcome to Appliance Setup page


This page provides a link to download a checklist that provides descriptions for all of the data entry fields on all pages in the initial configuration. Before you begin the initial configuration, Veritas recommends that you click on the download a checklist link, print the file, and record all of the necessary information.

Network Configuration

This page is used to enter your corporate network information. The upper table contains tabs for entering the Interface Properties and the Routing Properties information. The lower table contains drop down tabs that expand to enter the Create Bond, Tag VLAN, and Add Static Route information.

Figure: Network Configuration page

Network Configuration page
Host Configuration

This page is used to enter the host identification information for this appliance. The appliance host name (FQDN and short name), the IP address, and the domain name are all required.

Figure: Host Configuration page

Host Configuration page
Password change

This page is used to change the password for this appliance server. Veritas recommends that you change the factory default password to a high security password when you perform the initial configuration.

Figure: Password change page

Password change page
Date & Time

This page is used to set the date, the time, and the time zone for the appliance location.

Figure: Date & Time page

Date & Time page
Alerting and Call Home

This page is used to configure system alerts and the Call Home feature for reporting problems.

Figure: Alerting and Call Home page

Alerting and Call Home page

This page provides a link to the MyAppliance portal. Register your appliance on the portal to make sure that you are alerted to product updates and other important updates about your appliance.

Figure: Registration page

Registration page
Appliance Role Configuration - Master

This page is used to select the role for the appliance as either a master server or a media server. When you select Master, you are required to provide a Smart Meter Customer Registration Key as described in the displayed instructions. This key enables the Smart Meter functionality that helps you manage your NetBackup environment more efficiently. For more information about Smart Meter, see the Veritas Smart Meter Getting Started Guide.

Figure: Appliance Role Configuration -Master page

Appliance Role Configuration -Master pageNew as of 3.1.2.
Appliance Role Configuration - Media

When you select Media, a description of prerequisites appears, along with a data entry field to enter the name of the associated master server.

Figure: Appliance Role Configuration -Media page

Appliance Role Configuration -Media page
Storage Configuration - NetBackup Catalog

The NetBackup Catalog tab on this page is used to set the size of the NetBackup catalog. This tab appears only when you select Master for the appliance role.

Figure: Storage Configuration page - NetBackup Catalog

Storage Configuration page - NetBackup Catalog
Storage Configuration - AdvancedDisk

The AdvancedDisk tab on this page is used to allocate storage space for the AdvancedDisk partition and to name the storage unit and the disk pool.

Figure: Storage Configuration page - AdvancedDisk

Storage Configuration page - AdvancedDisk
Storage Configuration - MSDP

The MSDP tab on this page is used to allocate storage space for the Media Server Deduplication Pool partition and to name the storage unit and the disk pool.

Figure: Storage Configuration page - MSDP

Storage Configuration page - MSDP