Veritas NetBackup™ 52xx Appliance Initial Configuration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (3.1.2)
Platform: 5230,5240

Performing the initial configuration on a NetBackup 52xx appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console

After you have installed, connected, and turned on all appliance system components, you are ready to configure the server.

If you plan to configure this appliance as a media server, complete the following tasks on the master server before you start the initial configuration. The following link provides specific instructions about how to accomplish the necessary tasks:

See Configuring a master server to communicate with an appliance media server.

  • Make sure that the master server and this media server have compatible software versions.

  • Add the name of this media server to the SERVERS list on master server that you plan to use with it.

  • If a firewall exists between the master server and this media server, open the appropriate ports as described in the link above.

  • Make sure that the date and time of this media server matches the date and time on the master server.

The following procedure describes how to configure a new or a re-imaged appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console.


The appliance comes configured with a known default password for the Maintenance user account. You should change this password either before or immediately after the initial configuration to prevent unauthorized access to the appliance maintenance mode. Note that you must provide the Maintenance user password to Veritas Technical Support in the event that the appliance requires troubleshooting services. Step 16 in the following procedure describes how to change the Maintenance user password.

To perform the initial configuration on a NetBackup 52xx appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console

  1. On the laptop that is connected to the NIC1 appliance port, navigate to the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.

    On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) so that it is highlighted, then click Properties.

    Local Area Connection Properties dialog box

    On the Alternate Configuration tab, perform the following tasks:

    Internet Protocol Properties dialog box
    • Click User Configured.

    • For the IP address, enter 192.168.229.nnn, where nnn is any number from 2 through 254 except for 233.

    • For the Subnet mask, enter

    • Click OK.

  2. On the laptop that is connected to the appliance, open a web browser to the following URL:


    Starting with NetBackup appliance software version, the NetBackup Appliance Web Console is accessible only over HTTPS on the default port 443. Port 80 over HTTP has been disabled. The exception to this change is in NetBackup appliance software version 2.6.1. With that version, the NetBackup Appliance Web Console is accessible only over HTTPS on the default port 80.

  3. Log on to the appliance as follows:
    • For User Name, enter admin.

    • For Password, enter P@ssw0rd.

  4. On the Welcome to Appliance Setup page, review the summary of information that you need to perform the initial configuration.
    • Download Configuration Checklist

      To help with the initial configuration, click this link to open a file where you can record all of the configuration settings. Veritas recommends that you print this file and fill it out for use as you perform the configuration. Then store it in a secure location for future reference.

    • Setup Appliance

      After you have filled out the configuration checklist, click this item to start the configuration.

  5. The Network Configuration page contains the following taskbars to complete specific tasks with their necessary data entry fields to configure network connectivity. Expand taskbar to enter the relevant network configuration information:
    • Create Bond - Use to create a bond between two or more network interfaces.

    • Tag VLAN - Starting with NetBackup Appliances version, you can configure VLANs in your existing network environments using this taskbar.

    • Add Static Route - Use to add a route configuration for your network.


    These functions are independent of the other and do not require configuration in the order in which they appear.

    Enter the appropriate Create Bond information as follows:

    Create Bond data entry fields

    • Network Interface

      Click on the drop-down box and select the interface or the device name between which you want to create the bond.

    • Bond Mode

      Click on the drop-down box and select the bond mode to use for the NIC ports that you want to bond.

      Bonding lets you combine (aggregate) multiple network interfaces into a single logical "bonded" interface. The behavior of the bonded interfaces depends upon the mode. The default bond mode is balance-alb.

      The available bonding modes from the drop-down list are as follows:

      • balance-rr

      • active-backup

      • balance-xor

      • broadcast

      • 802.3ad

      • balance-tlb

      • balance-alb

      Some bond modes require additional configuration on the switch or the router. You should take additional care when you select a bond mode.

      For more information about bond modes, see the following documentation:

      After you have entered the appropriate data into all fields, you must click + to add and immediately plumb the selected network interface. To configure bonding, you must select multiple interfaces from the Bond Mode drop-down box. For IPv6 addresses, enter 64 as the Subnet Mask.

    • IP Address [IPv4 or IPv6]

      Enter the IPv4 or the IPv6 address to be used for this appliance. Only global-scope and unique-local IPv6 addresses are allowed.

    • Subnet Mask

      Enter the network address that identifies the IP address for this appliance server.

    • After you have entered the appropriate data into all fields, click + to save and add the network configuration settings.

    If required for your environment, enter the appropriate Tag VLAN information as follows:

    Tag VLAN data entry fields

    • Select Interface

      Select the network interface or the device name to which you want to tag the VLAN.

    • Description

      Enter a description for the VLAN. For example, Finance or Human Resource.

    • VLAN Id

      Enter a numeric identifier for the VLAN. VLAN IDs can range between 1- 4094. For example, 1 or 10.

    • IP Address [IPv4 or IPv6]

      Enter the IPv4 or the IPv6 address to be used for this appliance.

    • Subnet Mask

      Enter the subnet mask value that corresponds to the IP address.

    • Click Add to add the configuration information for tagging VLAN into to your existing network environment.

      To enter information for tagging additional VLANs, click the + sign to add a row. To remove any of the rows, click the - sign that is adjacent to the Subnet Mask field.

    Enter the appropriate Add Static Route information as follows:

    Add Static Route data entry fields

    • Destination IP

      Enter the network IP address of a destination network. The address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. Only global-scope and unique-local IPv6 addresses are allowed.

      See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

    • Destination Subnet Mask

      Enter the subnet value that corresponds to the Destination IP address.

      For the initial configuration, this field contains a default value that cannot be changed. When you configure another route, you must enter the appropriate value.

    • Gateway

      Enter the address of the network point that acts as an entrance to another network. The address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. Only global-scope and unique-local IPv6 addresses are allowed.

      See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

    • Network Interface

      Click on the drop-down box and select the ethernet NIC port to use for a network connection.

    • After you have entered the appropriate data into all fields, click + to save and add the routing configuration settings.

    After clicking + to save the entered network configuration settings, click Next at the bottom of the page to continue.

  6. On the Host Configuration page, you can enter the host resolution information as follows:
    • To edit the hosts file manually, click here

      Add the IP address, the fully qualified host name, and the short host name directly into the /etc/hosts file. Click here to open and edit the /etc/hosts file file.


      If you plan to configure Active Directory (AD) authentication on this appliance, the host name must be 15 characters or less. Otherwise, AD configuration can fail.

    • Enter the appliance host name and the related host resolution information in the following fields:

    Host Name


    If you plan to configure Active Directory (AD) authentication on this appliance, the host name must be 15 characters or less. Otherwise, AD configuration can fail.

    Enter the short host name or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of this appliance.

    The host name is applied to the entire appliance configuration with a few exceptions. The short name always appears in the following places:

    • NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu prompts

    • Deduplication pool catalog backup policy

    • Default storage unit and disk pool names

    If this appliance has been factory reset and you want to import any of its previous backup images, the appliance host name must meet one of the following rules:

    • The host name must be exactly the same as the one used before the factory reset.

    • If you want to change the host name to an FQDN, it must include the short name that was used before the factory reset. For example, if "myhost" was used before the factory reset, use "" as the new FQDN.

    • If you want to change the host name to a short host name, it must be derived from the FQDN that was used before the factory reset. For example, if "" was used before the factory reset, use "myhost" as the new short host name.

    For DNS systems:

    Enter the following Domain Name System information:

    • Domain Name Suffix

      Enter the suffix name of the DNS server. If you entered the FQDN in the Host Name field, this field is populated automatically.


      The Domain Name Suffix is appended to the host name and cannot be changed after the initial configuration is completed. If you need to change the suffix or move the appliance to a different domain at a later time, you must perform a factory reset first, and then perform the initial configuration again.

    • DNS IP Address(es)

      Enter the IP address of a DNS server, then click the + icon to add the address. Repeat as necessary for the number of addresses that you want to add.

      The address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv6 addresses, only global-scope or unique-local addresses are allowed.

      See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

      To remove an address, select it from the list that appears below the data entry field and click the x icon.

    • Search Domain(s)

      If required for your environment, enter a search domain name, then click the + icon to add the name. Repeat as necessary for the number of search domains that you want to add.

      To remove a search domain, select it from the list that appears below the data entry field and click the x icon.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

    For the systems that do not use DNS:

    Enter the following Host name resolution information:

    • IP

      Enter the IP address of the appliance.

      The address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv6 addresses, only global-scope or unique-local addresses are allowed.

      See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

    • Fully qualified host name

      Enter the fully qualified host name (FQHN) of the appliance.

    • Short host name

      Enter the short name of the appliance.

      To enter two or more names, add a comma with no space between each name.

    After you have populated all fields, click the + icon. The added entries now appear below the fields.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

  7. On the Password change page, enter a new password to replace the default password as follows:


    To continue with the initial configuration of the appliance, you are not required to change the default password. However, to increase the security of your environment Veritas recommends that you change the administrator password periodically. Make sure to keep a record of the current password in a secure location.

    Old admin password

    Enter the factory default password (P@ssw0rd)

    New admin password

    Enter the new password.

    Valid passwords must include the following:

    • Eight or more characters

    • At least one lowercase letter

    • At least one number (0-9)

    Uppercase letters and special characters can be included, but they are not required.

    The following describes password restrictions:

    • Dictionary words are considered weak passwords and are not accepted.

    • The last seven passwords cannot be reused, and the new password cannot be similar to previous passwords.

    Confirm new password

    Re-enter the new password for confirmation.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

  8. On the Date & Time page, enter the appropriate date and time for this appliance.

    You can enter the information manually or use a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to synchronize the appliance date and time over the network.

    Time zone

    To assign a time zone to the appliance, click on the Time zone drop-down box and select the appropriate region, country, and time zone.

    Specify date & time

    To enter the date and the time manually, select this option and enter the following information:

    • In the first field, enter the date by using the mm/dd/yyyy format. Or, click on the calendar icon and select the appropriate month, day, and year.

    • In the second field, enter the time by using the hh:mm:ss format. Entries must be in the 24 hour format (00:00:00 - 23:59:59).


    To synchronize the appliance with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, select this option and enter the NTP Server IP address.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

  9. On the Alerting and Call Home page, enter the information for the appliance to send alerts or to upload status reports by email to a Veritas Call Home server.

    For alerts, enter the appropriate Alerting Configuration information as follows:

    Alerting Configuration data entry fields

    To configure the appliance to upload alerts, enter the following information:

    • Notification interval (in minutes)

      Enter the interval for the appliance to upload alerts to the Veritas Call Home server. Entries must be in increments of 15 minutes.

    • Enable SNMP Alert

      Click this check box and enter the following SNMP information:

      • SNMP server

        Enter either the SNMP server host name or its IP address to define this computer.

        The IP address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv6, only global-scope and unique-local addresses are allowed.

      • SNMP port

        Enter the port number of the SNMP server to allow communication with this appliance.

      • SNMP community

        Enter the community name where the alerts or traps are sent.

        For example, you can enter the same information that you used for the SNMP server. You can also enter a company name or another name like, admin_group, public, or private. If you do not enter anything, the default value is Public.

      • View SNMP MIB file

        To set up the appliance SNMP Manager to receive hardware monitoring related traps, click this link to view the content of the MIB file. Then, copy the file to another location and use the content to update the SNMP Manager.

        The appliance can only accept traps in the SNMPv2c format.

    • SMTP server

      Enter either the SMTP server host name or its IP address to define this computer.

    • Software administrator email address

      Enter the email address of your software administrator so that they can receive and notifications.

    • Hardware administrator email address

      Enter the email address of your hardware administrator so that they can receive and notifications.

    • Sender email address

      Enter the email address of the appliance so that recipients can identify the source of the report.

    • SMTP account

      Enter an account name for the SMTP server.

    • Password

      To increase security, enter a password for the SMTP server.

    You can configure this server to send email reports to a proxy server or to the Veritas Call Home server.

    The following describes the supported proxy servers:

    • Squid

    • Apache

    • TMG


    NTLM authentication in the proxy configuration is also supported.

    For Call Home, enter the appropriate Call Home Configuration information as follows:

    Call Home Configuration data entry fields

    To configure the appliance to send email reports to a proxy server or to the Veritas Call Home server, enter the following information:

    • Enable Call Home

      Click this check box to enable the appliance to send email reports to the Veritas Call Home server.

    • Enable proxy server

      Click this check box to use a proxy server for email notification and provide the proxy information that follows.

    • Enable proxy Tunneling

      To enable proxy tunneling, click this check box and provide the following proxy information:

      • Proxy server

        Enter the IP address of the server.

        The IP address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv6, only global-scope and unique-local addresses are allowed.

      • Proxy port

        Enter the port number of the proxy server to allow communication with this appliance.

      • Proxy username

        Enter the user name for the proxy server.

      • Proxy password

        Enter the password of the proxy server.

      • Test Call Home

        After you have entered all of the necessary information, Veritas recommends that you click Test Call Home to verify communication with the Veritas server.

        If the test fails, check that you have entered all names, IP addresses, and port numbers correctly. If the test fails again, contact Veritas Technical Support.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

  10. On the Registration page, click on the link to the MyAppliance portal at to register the appliance and enter your contact information.
  11. Configure the role for this appliance server as follows:

    Option or data entry field


    Appliance Role

    • Master

      When you select this role, you are required to provide a Smart Meter Customer Registration Key. Veritas Smart Meter helps you manage your NetBackup deployment more efficiently, spot trends, and plan for the future.

      Obtain the key as follows:

      1. Click the Veritas Smart Meter link and log in to the site with your VEMS credentials. Go to the Registration Keys page to download a customer registration key file.

      2. Open the downloaded file in a text editor, then copy the entire content to the space provided.

      3. Click Next to continue with the configuration for this Master server.

      If you need assistance, click the Veritas Support link.

    • Media

      If you select this role, do not continue configuration until you have performed or verified the following configuration on the master server that you want to use with this media server. The following link provides specific instructions about how to accomplish the necessary tasks:

      See Configuring a master server to communicate with an appliance media server.

      • Make sure that the master server and this media server have compatible software versions.

      • Add the name of this media server to the SERVERS list on the master server that you plan to use with it.

      • Open the following ports on the master server to allow communication to this media server:

        vnetd: 13724

        bprd: 13720

        PBX: 1556

      • Open the following ports if the master server is an appliance master server and TCP is used:

        443, 5900, and 7578.

      • Make sure that the date and time of this media server matches with that of the master server.

    Master server name

    If you selected the Media Server role, identify the name of the master server that must communicate with this media server as follows:

    • For master servers with only one name and IP address:

      Enter the host name or the IP address of the master server and click Add.

    • For clustered master servers or master servers with multiple names and IP addresses:

      Enter each host name or IP address in the field (one at a time) and click Add.


      If the master server is clustered, the first entry must be the virtual host name of the cluster.


    If the host name of the master server is an FQDN, Veritas recommends that you use the FQDN to specify the master server for the media server.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next. The Certificate Verification dialog box appears, see the following:

    Confirm the CA certificate detail and click Deploy to deploy the CA certificate to the media server.

    Enter the token if it is required , and click Deploy to deploy the host ID-based certificate to the media server.

    For more information about security certificates, refer to the chapter Security certificates in NetBackup in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

  12. On the Storage Configuration page, create names for the storage units and the disk pools that you plan to use, and configure the size of the disk partitions.

    You can configure storage partitions for AdvancedDisk, for Deduplication (MSDP), or for both.


    If you choose to configure MSDP storage, a policy is automatically created to protect the MSDP catalog. Veritas recommends reviewing this policy and activating it once your appliance is configured.

    NetBackup Catalog

    This tab lets you set the size of the NetBackup catalog partition on the master server. This tab appears only for the appliances that are configured as a master server.

    To change the size of the partition, enter a precise number in the Size field, or click and drag the box on the gray slide bar to the desired size. The size can be set in GB or TB units, depending on the maximum available space.


    Enter the following information:

    • Storage Unit Name

      Enter the name that you want to use to identify this storage unit. The name can contain any letters, numbers, or special characters. The name can include up to 256 characters.


      The name should not start with the minus (-) character and spaces should not be used anywhere in the name.

    • Disk Pool Name

      Enter the name that you want to use to identify this disk pool. The name can contain any letters, numbers, or special characters. The name can include up to 256 characters.


      The name should not start with the minus (-) character and spaces should not be used anywhere in the name.

    • Size

      Set the size for this partition by entering a precise number in the Size field, or click and drag the box on the gray slide bar to the desired size. The size can be set in GB or TB units, depending on the maximum available space.

    Deduplication Disk (MSDP)

    Enter the following information:

    • Storage Unit Name

      Enter the name that you want to use to identify this storage unit. The name can contain any letters, numbers, or special characters. The name can include up to 256 characters.


      The name should not start with the minus (-) character and spaces should not be used anywhere in the name.

    • Disk Pool Name

      Enter the name that you want to use to identify this disk pool. The name can contain any letters, numbers, or special characters. The name can include up to 256 characters.


      The name should not start with the minus (-) character and spaces should not be used anywhere in the name.

    • Size

      Set the size for this partition by entering a precise number in the Size field, or click and drag the box on the gray slide bar to the desired size

      The size can be set in GB or TB units, depending on the maximum available space.

    After you have entered all of the necessary information, click Next.

  13. On the Configuration Progress page, you can monitor the progress of the appliance as it applies all of the data input from the configuration pages.

    The amount of time for the configuration to complete varies and depends on the complexity of your environment.

  14. On the Summary of Configuration page, review the results of the configuration. Examine the results to make sure that the configuration completed successfully.

    This page also identifies any errors that may have occurred. You may need to perform the initial configuration again if errors appear in the results.

  15. After the configuration has completed successfully, wait about 5 minutes for the NetBackup services to start. You must then use the fully qualified host name to reconnect and log into the appliance.
  16. Change the default Maintenance user password as follows:
    • Log on to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu and enter the Main_Menu > Support > Maintenance command.

    • At the password prompt, enter the default Maintenance user password (P@ssw0rd).

    • At the Maintenance shell prompt, enter the passwd command to change the password.

    • Type Exit to return to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu.

    For complete information about using the Support > Maintenance command, see the NetBackup Appliance Commands Reference Guide.

  17. Disconnect the laptop from the NIC1 appliance port.


    If your network uses the 192.168.x.x IP address range, refer to the following topic for important information:

    See About NIC1 (eth0) port usage on NetBackup appliances.

  18. After all appliances are configured and operational, you are ready to install client software on the computers that you want to back up.

    See Downloading NetBackup client packages to a client from a NetBackup appliance.

    See Installing NetBackup client software through an NFS share.