Veritas NetBackup™ 52xx Appliance Initial Configuration Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (3.1.2)
Platform: 5230,5240

Performing the initial configuration on a 52xx media server appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu

After you have installed, connected, and turned on all appliance system components, you are ready to configure the server.

If you plan to configure this appliance as a media server, you must complete the following tasks on the master server before you start the initial configuration. The following link provides specific instructions about how to accomplish the necessary tasks:

See Configuring a master server to communicate with an appliance media server.

  • Make sure that the master server and this media server have compatible software versions.

  • Add the name of this media server to the SERVERS list on the master server that you plan to use with it.

  • If a firewall exists between the master server and this media server, open the appropriate ports as described in the link above.

  • Make sure that the date and time of this media server matches the date and time on the master server.

The following procedure describes how to configure a new 52xx media server appliance from theNetBackup Appliance Shell Menu.


NetBackup appliances do not support configuring two IP addresses that belong to the same subnet. The appliance runs on the Linux operating system and this type of networking is a current limitation. Each bond that you create must use an IP address that belongs to a different subnet.


You cannot remove an IP address if the appliance host name resolves to that IP address.


The appliance comes configured with a known default password for the Maintenance user account. You should change this password either before or immediately after the initial configuration to prevent unauthorized access to the appliance maintenance mode. Note that you must provide the Maintenance user password to Veritas Technical Support in the event that the appliance requires troubleshooting services. Step 14 in the following procedure describes how to change the Maintenance user password.

To perform the initial configuration on a 52xx media server appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu

  1. On the laptop that is connected to the NIC1 appliance port, navigate to the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.

    On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) so that it is highlighted, then click Properties.

    Local Area Connection Properties dialog box

    On the Alternate Configuration tab, perform the following tasks:

    Internet Protocol Properties dialog box
    • Click User Configured.

    • For the IP address, enter 192.168.229.nnn, where nnn is any number from 2 through 254 except for 233.

    • For the Subnet mask, enter

    • Click OK.

  2. On the laptop that is connected to the appliance, open an SSH session to and log on to your appliance.

    The logon is admin and the default password is P@ssw0rd.

    After you log on, the welcome message appears in the shell menu and the prompt is at the Main_Menu view.

  3. From the Main_Menu > Network view, enter the following command to configure the IP address of a single network that you want your appliance to connect to.

    Configure IPAddress Netmask GatewayIPAddress [InterfaceNames]

    Where IPAddress is the new IP address, Netmask is the netmask, and GatewayIPAddress is the default gateway for the interface. The [InterfaceNames] option is optional.

    The IP Address or the Gateway IP Address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Only global-scope and unique-local IPv6 addresses are allowed.

    Remember that you should not use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the same command. For example, you cannot use Configure 9ffe::9 You should use Configure 9ffe::46 64 9ffe::49 eth1

    See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

    If you want to configure multiple networks you must first configure the IP address of each network that you want to add. Then you configure the Gateway address for each network you added. You must make sure that you add the default Gateway address first. Use the following two commands:

    Configure the IP address of each network

    Use either of the following commands depending on whether you want to configure an IPv4 or an IPv6 address for the network interface:

    To configure the IPv4 address of a network interface:

    IPv4 IPAddress Netmask [InterfaceName]

    Where IPAddress is the new IP address, Netmask is the netmask, and [InterfaceName] is optional. Repeat this command for each IP address that you want to add.

    To configure the IPv6 address of a network interface:

    IPv6 <IP Address> <Prefix> [InterfaceNames]

    Where IPAddress is the IPv6 address, Prefix is the prefix length, and [InterfaceName] is optional.

    Configure the gateway address for each network that you added

    Gateway Add GatewayIPAddress [TargetNetworkIPAddress] [Netmask] [InterfaceName]

    Where GatewayIPAddress is the gateway for the interface and TargetNetworkIPAddress, Netmask, and InterfaceName are optional. Repeat this command to add the gateway to all of the destination networks.

    The Gateway IP Address or the TargetNetworkIPAddress can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.

    Remember that you should not use both IPv4 and IPv6 address in the same command. For example, you cannot use Gateway Add 9ffe::3 eth1. You should use Gateway Add 9ffe::3 6ffe:: 64 eth1.

  4. From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following command to set the appliance DNS domain name.


    If you do not use DNS, then you can proceed to Step 7.

    DNS Domain Name

    Where Name is the new domain name for the appliance.

  5. From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following command to add the DNS name server to your appliance configuration.

    DNS Add NameServer IPAddress

    Where IPAddress is the IP address of the DNS server.

    The address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. Only global-scope and unique-local IPv6 addresses are allowed.

    See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

    To add multiple IP addresses, use a comma to separate each address and no space.

  6. From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following command to add a DNS search domain to your appliance configuration so the appliance can resolve the host names that are in different domains:

    DNS Add SearchDomain SearchDomain

    Where SearchDomain is the target domain to add for searching.

  7. This step is optional. It lets you add the IP addresses of other hosts in the appliance hosts file.

    From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following command to add host entries to the hosts file on your appliance.

    Hosts Add IPAddress FQHN ShortName

    Where IPAddress is the IPv4 or IPv6 address, FQHN is the fully qualified host name, and ShortName is the short host name.

    See About IPv4-IPv6-based network support.

  8. From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following command to set the host name for your appliance.


    If you plan to configure Active Directory (AD) authentication on this appliance, the host name must be 15 characters or less. Otherwise, AD configuration can fail.

    Hostname Set Name

    Where Name is the short host name or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of this appliance.

    The host name is applied to the entire appliance configuration with a few exceptions. The short name always appears in the following places:

    • NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu prompts

    • Deduplication pool catalog backup policy

    • Default storage unit and disk pool names

    If this appliance has been factory reset and you want to import any of its previous backup images, the appliance host name must meet one of the following rules:

    • The host name must be exactly the same as the one used before the factory reset.

    • If you want to change the host name to an FQDN, it must include the short name that was used before the factory reset. For example, if "myhost" was used before the factory reset, use "" as the new FQDN.

    • If you want to change the host name to a short host name, it must be derived from the FQDN that was used before the factory reset. For example, if "" was used before the factory reset, use "myhost" as the new short host name.


    The Domain Name Suffix is appended to the host name and cannot be changed after the initial configuration is completed. If you need to change the suffix or move the appliance to a different domain at a later time, you must perform a factory reset first, and then perform the initial configuration again.

    With this step, NetBackup is re-configured to operate with the new host name. This process may take a while to complete.

    For the command Hostname set to work, at least one IPv4 address is required. For example, you may want to set the host name of a specific host to v46. To do that, first ensure that the specific host has at least an IPv4 address and then run the following command.

    Main_Menu > Network > Hostname Set v46

  9. In addition to the above network configuration settings, you may also use the Main_Menu > Network view to create a bond and to tag a VLAN during the initial configuration of your appliance
    • Use the Network > LinkAggregation Create command to create a bond between two or more network interfaces.

    • Use the Network > VLAN Tag command to tag a VLAN to a physical interface or bond interface.

    For detailed information about the LinkAggregation and the VLAN command options, refer to the NetBackup Appliance Command Reference Guide.

  10. From the Main_Menu > Network view, use the following commands to set the time zone, the date, and the time for this appliance:
    • Set the time zone by entering the following command:

      TimeZone Set

      Select the appropriate time zone from the displayed list.

    • Set the date and the time by entering the following command:

      Date Set Month Day HHMMSS Year

      Where Month is the name of the month.

      Where Day is the day of the month from 0 to 31.

      Where HHMMSS is the hour, minute, and seconds in a 24-hour format. The fields are separated by semi-colons, for example, HH:MM:SS.

      Where Year is the calendar year from 1970 through 2037.

  11. From the Main_Menu > Settings > Alerts > Email view, use the following commands to enter the SMTP server name and the email addresses for appliance failure alerts.

    Enter the SMTP server name

    Email SMTP Add Server [Account] [Password]

    The Server variable is the host name of the target SMTP server that is used to send emails. The [Account] option identifies the name of the account that was used or the authentication to the SMTP server. The [Password] option is the password for authentication to the SMTP server.

    Enter email addresses

    Email Software Add Addresses

    Where Addresses is the user's email address. To define multiple emails, separate them with a semi-colon.

  12. Set the role for the appliance to a media server.


    Before you configure this appliance as a media server, you must add the name of this appliance to the master server that must work with this appliance.

    From the Main_Menu > Appliance view, run the following command:

    Media MasterServer

    Where MasterServer is either a standalone master server, a multihomed master server, or a clustered master server. The following defines each of these scenarios:

    Standalone master server

    This scenario shows one master server host name. This name does not need to be a fully qualified name as long as your appliance recognizes the master server on your network. The following is an example of how the command would appear.

    Media MasterServerName

    Multihomed master server

    In this scenario, the master server has more than one host name that is associated with it. You must use a comma as a delimiter between the host names. The following is an example of how the command would appear.

    Media MasterNet1Name,MasterNet2Name

    Clustered master server

    In this scenario, the master server is in a cluster. Veritas recommends that you list the cluster name first, followed by the active node, and then the passive nodes in the cluster. This list requires you to separate the node names with a comma. The following is an example of how the command would appear.

    Media MasterClusterName,ActiveNodeName,PassiveNodeName

    Multihomed clustered master server

    In this scenario, the master server is in a cluster and has more than one host name that is associated with it. Veritas recommends that you list the cluster name first, followed by the active node, and then the passive nodes in the cluster. This list requires you to separate the node names with a comma. The following is an example of how the command would appear.

    Media MasterClusterName,ActiveNodeName,


    To prevent any future issues, when you perform the appliance role configuration, Veritas recommends that you provide all of the associated master server names.

    When the CA certificate detail appears, confirm the detail, enter yes, and then respond to the following prompts:

    >> Do you trust the CA certificate? [yes, no] yes

    Enter a token when it is required to deploy the host ID-based certificate, see the following prompts:

    >> Enter token:

    For more information about security certificates, refer to the chapter Security certificates in NetBackup in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.


    If the host name of the master server is an FQDN, Veritas recommends that you use the FQDN to specify the master server for the media server.

  13. After you set the role configuration, the disk storage prompts appear for the AdvancedDisk and the Deduplication (MSDP) partitions.

    To configure storage partitions, you must do the following:

    • Enter a storage pool size in GB or TB.

      To skip the storage pool size configuration for any partition, enter 0 when prompted for its size. To keep the storage pool at its current size, press Enter.

    • Enter a disk pool name.

      The default names are dp_adv_<hostname> for AdvancedDisk and dp_disk_<hostname> for Deduplication. To keep the default names, press Enter.

    • Enter a storage pool name.

      The default names are stu_adv_<hostname> for AdvancedDisk and stu_disk_<hostname> for Deduplication. To keep the default names, press Enter.

    The storage prompts appear in the following order:

    AdvancedDisk storage pool size in GB/TB [default size]:
    AdvancedDisk diskpool name:
    AdvancedDisk storage unit name:
    MSDP storage pool size in GB/TB [default size]:
    MSDP diskpool name:
    MSDP storage unit name:

    After you configure the storage partitions, a summary of the storage configuration appears with the following prompt:

    Do you want to edit the storage configuration? [yes, no]

    Type yes to make any changes, or type no to keep the current configuration.

  14. Change the default Maintenance user password as follows:
    • Enter the Main_Menu > Support > Maintenance command.

    • At the password prompt, enter the default Maintenance user password (P@ssw0rd).

    • At the Maintenance shell prompt, enter the passwd command to change the password.

    • Type Exit to return to the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu.

    For complete information about using the Support > Maintenance command, see the NetBackup Appliance Commands Reference Guide.

  15. Disconnect the laptop from the NIC1 appliance port.


    If your network uses the 192.168.x.x IP address range, refer to the following topic for important information:

    See About NIC1 (eth0) port usage on NetBackup appliances.

  16. After all appliances are configured and operational, you are ready to install client software on the computers that you want to back up.

    See Downloading NetBackup client packages to a client from a NetBackup appliance.

    See Installing NetBackup client software through an NFS share.