Enterprise Vault™ Setting up IMAP

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.0)

Editing the IMAP notification message

When Enterprise Vault provisions and enables a user for IMAP, it automatically sends a notification email to the user's default email address. The message contains details of the IMAP server and SMTP server that the user can connect to, and the other configuration details that are needed to configure the IMAP client.

The message also contains a link to the following article on the Veritas Support website:


This article contains links to further articles, which provide configuration instructions for popular IMAP clients and devices. If you want to, you can also edit the template message to add any other information you want your users to know about Enterprise Vault IMAP access.

During the installation, supported language versions of the IMAP notification template message are placed in folders beneath the Enterprise Vault program folder:

Enterprise Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang

Where lang indicates the supported language.

For each supported language, the notification message is in a file called IMAPEnabled.html.

To locate and edit the IMAP notification message

  1. Decide which language version of IMAPEnabled.html you want to use and locate the file.
  2. Use a suitable editor to open IMAPEnabled.html for editing. For example, you could use IMAPNotificationEmailViewer.exe, which is installed in the Enterprise Vault program folder.

    See Using the IMAP notification message editor.

  3. Review the text and make any changes that you require.
  4. Save the message.
  5. Copy IMAPEnabled.html to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault) on every Enterprise Vault server that runs a client access provisioning task.