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Enterprise Vault™ Setting up IMAP
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (15.0)
- Setting up IMAP
- About IMAP
- Configuring IMAP and enabling users for IMAP access
- Editing the IMAP notification message
- Defining IMAP provisioning groups
- Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
- Using the IMAP dashboard
- PowerShell cmdlets for IMAP
About the IMAP cmdlets
Enterprise Vault provides PowerShell cmdlets which you can use to display IMAP users and their settings, and to enable and disable IMAP on configured IMAP servers.
Table: IMAP cmdlets describes the IMAP cmdlets that the Enterprise Vault Management Shell provides.
Table: IMAP cmdlets
Cmdlet | Description |
Get-EVIMAPUsers | Displays the details of users who are provisioned and enabled for IMAP. |
Get-EVIMAPUserSettings | Displays the connection details for a specific IMAP user. |
Set-EVIMAPServerDisabled | Disables IMAP on a specific Enterprise Vault server. |
Set-EVIMAPServerEnabled | Enables IMAP on a specific Enterprise Vault server. |