Cluster Server 7.4.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Section I. Clustering concepts and terminology
- Introducing Cluster Server
- About Cluster Server
- About cluster control guidelines
- About the physical components of VCS
- Logical components of VCS
- Types of service groups
- About resource monitoring
- Agent classifications
- About cluster control, communications, and membership
- About security services
- Components for administering VCS
- About cluster topologies
- VCS configuration concepts
- Introducing Cluster Server
- Section II. Administration - Putting VCS to work
- About the VCS user privilege model
- Administering the cluster from the command line
- About administering VCS from the command line
- About installing a VCS license
- Administering LLT
- Starting VCS
- Stopping the VCS engine and related processes
- Logging on to VCS
- About managing VCS configuration files
- About managing VCS users from the command line
- About querying VCS
- About administering service groups
- Modifying service group attributes
- About administering resources
- Enabling and disabling IMF for agents by using script
- Linking and unlinking resources
- About administering resource types
- About administering clusters
- Configuring applications and resources in VCS
- VCS bundled agents for UNIX
- Configuring NFS service groups
- About NFS
- Configuring NFS service groups
- Sample configurations
- About configuring the RemoteGroup agent
- About configuring Samba service groups
- About testing resource failover by using HA fire drills
- Predicting VCS behavior using VCS Simulator
- Section III. VCS communication and operations
- About communications, membership, and data protection in the cluster
- About cluster communications
- About cluster membership
- About membership arbitration
- About membership arbitration components
- About server-based I/O fencing
- About majority-based fencing
- About the CP server service group
- About secure communication between the VCS cluster and CP server
- About data protection
- Examples of VCS operation with I/O fencing
- About cluster membership and data protection without I/O fencing
- Examples of VCS operation without I/O fencing
- Administering I/O fencing
- About the vxfentsthdw utility
- Testing the coordinator disk group using the -c option of vxfentsthdw
- About the vxfenadm utility
- About the vxfenclearpre utility
- About the vxfenswap utility
- About administering the coordination point server
- About configuring a CP server to support IPv6 or dual stack
- About migrating between disk-based and server-based fencing configurations
- Migrating between fencing configurations using response files
- Controlling VCS behavior
- VCS behavior on resource faults
- About controlling VCS behavior at the service group level
- About AdaptiveHA
- Customized behavior diagrams
- About preventing concurrency violation
- VCS behavior for resources that support the intentional offline functionality
- VCS behavior when a service group is restarted
- About controlling VCS behavior at the resource level
- VCS behavior on loss of storage connectivity
- Service group workload management
- Sample configurations depicting workload management
- The role of service group dependencies
- About communications, membership, and data protection in the cluster
- Section IV. Administration - Beyond the basics
- VCS event notification
- VCS event triggers
- Using event triggers
- List of event triggers
- Virtual Business Services
- Section V. Veritas High Availability Configuration wizard
- Introducing the Veritas High Availability Configuration wizard
- Administering application monitoring from the Veritas High Availability view
- Administering application monitoring from the Veritas High Availability view
- Administering application monitoring from the Veritas High Availability view
- Section VI. Cluster configurations for disaster recovery
- Connecting clusters–Creating global clusters
- VCS global clusters: The building blocks
- About global cluster management
- About serialization - The Authority attribute
- Prerequisites for global clusters
- Setting up a global cluster
- About IPv6 support with global clusters
- About cluster faults
- About setting up a disaster recovery fire drill
- Test scenario for a multi-tiered environment
- Administering global clusters from the command line
- About global querying in a global cluster setup
- Administering clusters in global cluster setup
- Setting up replicated data clusters
- Setting up campus clusters
- Connecting clusters–Creating global clusters
- Section VII. Troubleshooting and performance
- VCS performance considerations
- How cluster components affect performance
- How cluster operations affect performance
- VCS performance consideration when a system panics
- About scheduling class and priority configuration
- VCS agent statistics
- About VCS tunable parameters
- Troubleshooting and recovery for VCS
- VCS message logging
- Gathering VCS information for support analysis
- Troubleshooting the VCS engine
- Troubleshooting Low Latency Transport (LLT)
- Troubleshooting Group Membership Services/Atomic Broadcast (GAB)
- Troubleshooting VCS startup
- Troubleshooting issues with systemd unit service files
- Troubleshooting service groups
- Troubleshooting resources
- Troubleshooting sites
- Troubleshooting I/O fencing
- Fencing startup reports preexisting split-brain
- Troubleshooting CP server
- Troubleshooting server-based fencing on the VCS cluster nodes
- Issues during online migration of coordination points
- Troubleshooting notification
- Troubleshooting and recovery for global clusters
- Troubleshooting licensing
- Licensing error messages
- Troubleshooting secure configurations
- Troubleshooting wizard-based configuration issues
- Troubleshooting issues with the Veritas High Availability view
- VCS message logging
- VCS performance considerations
- Section VIII. Appendixes
VCS performance consideration when a resource fails
The time it takes to detect a resource fault or failure depends on the MonitorInterval attribute for the resource type. When a resource faults, the next monitor detects it. The agent may not declare the resource as faulted if the ToleranceLimit attribute is set to non-zero. If the monitor function reports offline more often than the number set in ToleranceLimit, the resource is declared faulted. However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in the ConfInterval attribute, previous reports of offline are not counted against ToleranceLimit.
When the agent determines that the resource is faulted, it calls the clean function (if implemented) to verify that the resource is completely offline. The monitor following clean verifies the offline. The agent then tries to restart the resource according to the number set in the RestartLimit attribute (if the value of the attribute is non-zero) before it gives up and informs HAD that the resource is faulted. However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in ConfInterval, earlier attempts to restart are not counted against RestartLimit.
In most cases, ToleranceLimit is 0. The time it takes to detect a resource failure is the time it takes the agent monitor to detect failure, plus the time to clean up the resource if the clean function is implemented. Therefore, the time it takes to detect failure depends on the MonitorInterval, the efficiency of the monitor and clean (if implemented) functions, and the ToleranceLimit (if set).
In some cases, the failed resource may hang and may also cause the monitor to hang. For example, if the database server is hung and the monitor tries to query, the monitor will also hang. If the monitor function is hung, the agent eventually kills the thread running the function. By default, the agent times out the monitor function after 60 seconds. This can be adjusted by changing the MonitorTimeout attribute. The agent retries monitor after the MonitorInterval. If the monitor function times out consecutively for the number of times designated in the attribute FaultOnMonitorTimeouts, the agent treats the resource as faulted. The agent calls clean, if implemented. The default value of FaultOnMonitorTimeouts is 4, and can be changed according to the type. A high value of this parameter delays detection of a fault if the resource is hung. If the resource is hung and causes the monitor function to hang, the time to detect it depends on MonitorTimeout, FaultOnMonitorTimeouts, and the efficiency of monitor and clean (if implemented).