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Veritas NetBackup™ in Highly Available Environments Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (9.0)
- About in this guide
- NetBackup protection against single points of failure
- About site disaster recovery with catalog backup and recovery
- About site loss protection with auto image and catalog replication
- About NetBackup catalog replication
- Deploying NetBackup master servers with full catalog replication
- About non-clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- About globally clustered NetBackup master servers with catalog replication
- Installing and configuring a globally clustered NetBackup master server with catalog replication
- Using NetBackup to perform backups and restores in a cluster
Populating the server tables in the EMM
The server tables must be correctly populated in the EMM. Server tables can be populated automatically by failing over the master server cluster to each node in turn.
Refer following steps to populate the server tables in the EMM.
To populate the server tables in the EMM
- After the cluster setup on the secondary site is complete, take NetBackup offline on the primary site.
- Reverse the replication direction and bring NetBackup on-line on the secondary site.
Bringing the NetBackup master server cluster on-line on a particular node of the cluster automatically adds that node to the list of known servers in the EMM server tables. In case of multiple nodes at the secondary site, the master server must be failed over to each node.
- After all the member nodes are added, take NetBackup offline from the secondary site.
- Reverse the replication direction and bring NetBackup online on the primary site.