Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Introducing the Discovery Accelerator client
- Setting up and assigning roles
- Working with cases
- Setting up review marks and tags
- Using rules to mark and tag items automatically
- Using Custodian Manager
- Searching for items
- About searching with Discovery Accelerator
- Defining email targets with Address Manager
- Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
- Searching within the review set
- Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- About exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Customizing Discovery Accelerator
- Setting Discovery Accelerator system configuration options
- Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Appendix C. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
- Appendix D. Troubleshooting
- Issues with Custodian Manager
- Issues with Discovery Accelerator reports
Enabling a Discovery Accelerator case for analytics
When you create a case, analytics is not enabled by default. The reason for this is that you may need to provision and control the SQL Server resources that are necessary for analytics, and these may not be immediately available. After you enable a case for analytics, case items including content, attachments, and item metadata such as subject, recipients and other attributes, are fetched into the customer database. If you have already built analytics rules for a case before you enable it, the automatic categorization of items begins soon after collection starts.
Before you enable a case for analytics, note the following:
You must have the Manage Analytics permission to enable analytics.
Enabling a case for analytics can significantly increase the size of the customer database. We recommend that you review the information on this in the Best Practices Guide, which you can obtain from the following page of the Veritas Support website:
You must assign the required SQL Server roles to the Vault Service account, if you have not already done so. See the Installation Guide for instructions.
The version of Discovery Accelerator with which you enable analytics in a case determines whether Discovery Accelerator uses FIPS-compliant algorithms to identify and deduplicate the case items. (FIPS, or Federal Information Processing Standards, are U.S. government standards for encoding and encrypting data.) That is:
Cases in which you enable analytics with Discovery Accelerator 10.0.1 or later are FIPS-compliant, even if you created them with an older and non-FIPS-compliant version of Discovery Accelerator.
You can ensure FIPS compliance for any pre-10.0.1 cases in which you previously enabled analytics by disabling analytics and then reenabling it with Discovery Accelerator 10.0.1 or later.
If the case is in a customer database that belongs to a SQL Always On availability group, and you remove the database from the availability group, then you may experience issues when you subsequently try to re-enable analytics in the case. For guidelines on how to resolve these issues, see the following article on the Veritas Support website:
To enable a Discovery Accelerator case for analytics
- Click the Cases tab in the Discovery Accelerator client.
- In the left pane, select the case that you want to enable for analytics.
- Click the Analytics tab.
The Analytics pane appears.
- If you want to define any case-specific review marks or tags before you enable the case for analytics, click the appropriate hyperlink and then enter the details.
- If you want to define any rules for automatically categorizing the items in the case, click the Define rules hyperlink and then set up the required marking rules and tagging rules.
- Click Enable.
Initially, the case's status changes to "Enabling analytics" while the collection of data is prepared. Subsequently, the status changes to "Analytics enabled" and the collection and indexing of data and the automatic categorization of items begin.