Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Introducing the Discovery Accelerator client
- Setting up and assigning roles
- Working with cases
- Setting up review marks and tags
- Using rules to mark and tag items automatically
- Using Custodian Manager
- Searching for items
- About searching with Discovery Accelerator
- Defining email targets with Address Manager
- Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
- Searching within the review set
- Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- About exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Customizing Discovery Accelerator
- Setting Discovery Accelerator system configuration options
- Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Appendix C. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
- Appendix D. Troubleshooting
- Issues with Custodian Manager
- Issues with Discovery Accelerator reports
Setting up custom message types
Discovery Accelerator lets you search, filter, and export items for message types Bloomberg, Domino Mail, Exchange Mail, Fax, File, Instant Messaging, SharePoint, SMTP Mail, Microsoft Teams chat, Microsoft Teams channel, Audio-Video transcript, and Social. Other than these message types, you can set up custom message types such as Facebook, Twitter and so on.
The Configuration tab in the Compliance Accelerator client includes a new tab that is called Message Types that lets you add custom message types. These custom message type names appear in the following places in the Discovery Accelerator client:
In the Review tab, under the facet in the Filter pane.
In the Cases tab, under the option in the Miscellaneous section of the Searches pane.
In the Cases tab, under the option in the Items Selection box of the Export Details pane.
You must have the Manage Message Types permission to view the Message Type tab in the Configuration tab. By default, only users with the role of App Rule Admin, App User Admin and Compliance System Admin have this permission.
To set up custom message types
- Click the Configuration tab in the Discovery Accelerator client, and then click the Message Types tab.
- Click New.
- In the Message Type Details pane type a name and value for the message type.
The name cannot contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? " < > |
- Click Save.