NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
Recovering the NetBackup catalog without the disaster recovery file
If the disaster recovery file has been lost, consult the email that was sent to the administrator when the catalog was backed up. The disaster recovery file is written to the location you specify in the catalog backup policy and is appended to the backup stream itself.
To recover the catalog without the disaster recovery file
- The email identifies the media that contains the disaster recovery file, and the media that was used to back up critical policies. Ensure that this media is available.
- Follow the normal catalog recovery steps until the point where the Catalog Recovery Wizard or bprecover command is called for.
- Run the following command to retrieve all disaster recovery files from the catalog backup media:
bpimport -drfile -id media_id -drfile_dest fully_qualified_dir_name
This command recovers all disaster recovery files from the specified media ID and places them in the specified directory. The ID can be either a tape media ID or the fully qualified location of a disk storage unit.
- Verify that the correct disaster recovery file is available in the specified directory and that it is available from the NetBackup master server.
- Continue with the normal catalog recovery procedure by running the Catalog Recovery Wizard or bprecover command, providing the disaster recovery file location when prompted.
Refer to the email as your primary source for recovery instructions, because they are the most current instructions for recovering your catalog. The instructions are sent when the catalog backup is completed, or when a catalog backup image is duplicated.
If you restore catalog files directly by using bprestore on a Solaris system, use the following path:
The name of the online catalog backup policy is CatalogBackup. The email is written to the following file:
The file name itself indicates if the backup was full or not.
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