NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
Resolving full disk problems
If NetBackup is installed on a disk or a file system that fills up, such as with logging files, a number of problems can result. NetBackup may become unresponsive. For example, NetBackup jobs may remain queued for long periods, even though all NetBackup processes and services are running.
To resolve the full disk problems that are caused by NetBackup log files
Clear up disk space in the directory where NetBackup is installed by doing the following:
You may need to delete log files manually, reduce logging levels, and adjust log retention to have log files automatically deleted sooner.
See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide for more information about logging levels, log file retention, and how to configure unified logging.
Consider moving the NetBackup unified logging files to a different file system.
- Use the Activity Monitor to verify that the NetBackup relational database service is running.
This service is the NB_dbsrv daemon on UNIX and the NetBackup Relational Database Manager service on Windows.
- Verify that the NetBackup relational database service is running.
If it is not and you remove files to free up disk space, you may not fix the problem. The relational database service must be restarted to allow the Resource Broker (nbrb) to allocate job resources.
To resolve full disk problems on the NBDB file system
- Shut down the NetBackup daemons.
- Compress the staging directory and put a copy in a safe location.
This copy is a backup of the database as of the last catalog backup.
- Run a validation on the database:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_admin -validate -full -verbose
Windows: install_path\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\ nbdb_admin -validate -full -verbose
If validation fails, contact Veritas Support.
- If validation succeeds, run a database rebuild:
UNIX: /usr/openv/db/bin/ >nbdb_unload -rebuild - verbose
Windows: install_path\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\ >nbdb_unload -rebuild -verbose
If the rebuild fails, contact Veritas Support.
- If the rebuild succeeded, run the validation on the database again (step 3).
If this validation fails, contact Veritas Support.
- Start the NetBackup daemons.
- As soon as possible, add additional space to the file system that contains NBDB.
To resolve full disk problems on other file systems (such as binaries, root, or image catalog)
- Shut down the NetBackup daemons.
- Determine the cause for the full file system and take corrective actions.
- Start the NetBackup daemons.
- Verify that the NetBackup daemons run without abnormal termination or errors.
If errors occur, contact Veritas Support.