NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide
- Introducing NetBackup
- Section I. Monitoring and notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Activity monitor
- Job monitoring
- Notifications
- Monitoring NetBackup activity
- Section II. Configuring hosts
- Managing host properties
- Managing credentials for workloads and systems that NetBackup accesses
- Managing deployment
- Section III. Configuring storage
- Section IV. Configuring backups
- Section V. Managing security
- Security events and audit logs
- Managing security certificates
- Managing host mappings
- Managing user sessions
- Managing the security settings for the primary server
- About trusted primary servers
- Using access keys, API keys, and access codes
- Configuring authentication options
- Managing role-based access control
- Configuring RBAC
- Add a custom RBAC role
- Section VI. Detection and reporting
- Detecting malware
- Detecting anomalies
- Usage reporting and capacity licensing
- Detecting malware
- Section VII. NetBackup workloads and NetBackup Flex Scale
- Section VIII. Disaster recovery and troubleshooting
Redirection issues
If you are facing issues with redirection, check the error messages in web services log files to narrow down the cause of the issue. NetBackup creates logs for the NetBackup web server and for the web server applications. These logs are written to the following location:
The IDP metadata XML file contains the IDP certificate, the entity ID, the redirect URL, and the logout URL. The NetBackup web UI can fail to redirect to the IDP sign in page, if the IDP XML metadata file is outdated or corrupted. The following message is added to the web service log:
Failed to redirect to the IDP server.
To ensure that the latest configuration details are available to the NetBackup primary server, download the latest copy of the XML metadata file from the IDP. Use the IDP XML metadata file to add and enable the latest IDP configuration on the NetBackup primary server. See Configure the SAML keystore and add and enable the IDP configuration.
When you enter your credentials in the IDP sign in page, your browser might display an Authentication failed error, instead of redirecting to the NetBackup web UI. Refer to the following table for resolution steps based on the error found in the web service log.
Web Service log error message | Explanation and recommended action |
userPrincipalName not found in response. | While adding the IDP configuration to the NetBackup primary server, the value entered for the user (-u) option must match the SAML attribute name, which is mapped to the userPrincipalName attribute in AD or LDAP. For more information, See Configure the SAML keystore and add and enable the IDP configuration. |
userPrincipalName is not in expected format | The IDP sends SAML responses to the NetBackup primary server, which contains SAML user and SAML user group information. To enable the IDP to successfully send this information, ensure the value of userPrincipalName attribute sent by the IDP is defined in the format of username@domainname. For more information, See Enroll the NetBackup primary server with the IDP. |
Authentication issue instant is too old or in the future | This error can occur because of the following reasons:
Response is not success | This error can occur because of the following reasons: