Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SMTP Archiving
- About this guide
- Introducing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
- Installing SMTP Archiving
- Configuring SMTP Archiving
- Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site
- Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
- Configuring retention categories and retention plans
- Creating SMTP policies
- Configuring archives for SMTP messages
- Provisioning users for SMTP Group or SMTP Mailbox Journaling
- Using the SMTP dashboard
- PowerShell cmdlets
- Appendix A. Configuring target address rewriting
Configuring retention categories and retention plans
We recommend that you plan carefully the policies, retention categories, and retention plans that you want to use in your SMTP archiving environment. You can create new policies, and retention categories when you run the wizards for adding target addresses or provisioning groups. However, you may prefer to create the required policies and retention settings beforehand, and then select them in the wizards.
For more information, see "Working with retention categories and retention plans" in the Administrator's Guide.
If you assign multiple archives to a routing address, then all the archives must have the same retention settings.
See Managing cascading retention settings on multiple archives.
When the archiving task stores a message, it assigns to the stored message the retention category that you configured for the target. The retention category defines the retention period, which is the minimum amount of time for which the stored message must be retained.
The retention category properties also provide other functionality, such as preventing the deletion of items with the retention category.
To change retention category settings, open the properties of the retention category in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console. Retention categories are located in the Retention & Classification container under Policies.
To create a new retention category
- In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the vault site hierarchy until Policies is visible.
- Expand Policies and then expand Retention & Classification.
- Right-click Categories and then, on the shortcut menu, click New > Retention Category.
The New Retention Category wizard starts.
- Work through the wizard.
- To view or change the retention category properties, double-click the new retention category in the right-hand pane.
Retention plans let you define and apply the following to an archive or archive folder:
retention category
classification policy
retention category usage during expiry
retention folders
Using a retention plan gives you greater control over the retention periods of archived items. In particular, a retention plan lets you dispose of already-archived items by giving them a different retention period than the one that Enterprise Vault first gave them when it archived the items. For example, you can configure a retention plan so Enterprise Vault expires the affected items according to the retention category that you have associated with the retention plan, and not the retention categories with which Enterprise Vault originally stamped them.
We recommend that you only create retention plans after you have defined the retention categories and classification policies that you want to assign with those plans.
You can modify a retention plan after you have created it and associated it with one or more archives. You can also dissociate the plan from those archives and associate a different plan with them.
In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, retention plans are located in the Retention & Classification container under Policies.
To create a new retention plan
- In the left pane of the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, expand the tree view until the Policies container is visible.
- Expand the Policies container and then expand the Retention & Classification container.
- Right-click Plans and then point to New and click Retention Plan.
The New Retention Plan wizard appears.
Work through the pages of the wizard, which prompt you to enter the following:
A name for the new retention plan. The name must be unique, and it can contain up to 40 alphanumeric or space characters.
For example, you might call the retention plan "Capstone Official Plan" if it is to target users whose items are to be marked as permanent records by default. For those users whose items you want to mark as temporary records, you might create a retention plan that is called "Capstone Temporary Plan".
A description of the plan. The description can contain up to 127 alphanumeric, space, or special characters.
The required retention category: one with the record type set to Permanent or Temporary, for example.
Optionally, whether to allow the Enterprise Vault classification feature to classify the items that the retention plan handles. If you choose to classify the items, you must also select the required classification policy.
The expiry settings to assign to the affected items.