Using Generic Simple Storage Service (S3) as a primary storage for Enterprise Vault

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.1)

Viewing Generic S3 partition

To view a list of currently configured Generic S3 partition

  1. On the Configuration Vault Store partition, right-click and select Properties.
  2. Click the Replication tab. The screen displays the appropriate replication option selected during new partition creation, set/edit scan interval time along with the status for secured, unsecured items with the last scan started and items secured in the last scan.
  3. Click the Details button. The screen displays the information for the Last item secured, Last scan, Summary and Unsecured items information.
  4. Click the Advance tab. The screen displays the Access keys, Service host name, Bucket access type, Bucket region, Storage class, Log level, and buffer size.
  5. After viewing the destination information, click Okay.