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Using Amazon Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) as a primary storage for Enterprise Vault
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.1, 14.0)
Viewing an Amazon C2S partition
To view a list of currently configured Amazon C2S partition
- On the Configuration Vault Store partition, right-click and select Properties.
- Click the Replication tab. The screen displays the appropriate replication option selected during new partition creation, set/edit scan interval time along with the status for secured, unsecured items with the last scan started and items secured in the last scan.
- Click the Details button. The screen displays the information for the Last item secured, Last scan, Summary and Unsecured items information.
- Click the Advance tab. The screen displays the C2S endpoint, CAP URL, Agency, Mission, Role, Certificate, Storage class, Encryption, Log level, and buffer size.
- After viewing the destination information, click Okay.