NetBackup™ Web UI Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide
- Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
- About NetBackup for SQL Server
- Installation and host configuration
- Monitoring and notifications
- Managing SQL Server discovery and credentials
- Managing protection plans for SQL Server
- Protecting SQL Server
- Restoring SQL Server
- Using instant access with SQL Server
- Prerequisites when you configure an instant access SQL Server database
- Protecting SQL Server with VMware backups
- Troubleshooting
Create a protection plan to protect SQL Server assets
You can create a protection plan to perform scheduled backups of SQL Server assets.
To create a protection plan to protect SQL Server assets
- On the left, click Protection > Protection plans and then click Add.
- In Basic properties, enter a Name, Description, and select Microsoft SQL Server from the Workload list.
(Optional) Add a policy name prefix. A prefix is appended to the policy name when NetBackup automatically creates a policy when users subscribe assets to this protection plan.
- In Schedules and retention, click Add.
You can the frequency and the retention backup. You can set up the following backup schedules: Full, Differential incremental, or Transaction log.
In the Attributes tab:
Select the Backup type, how often it runs, and how long to keep the backup for this schedule.
In the Start window tab:
Define a Start day, Start time, End day, and End time for this schedule using the options available on the screen. Or you can drag your cursor over the time boxes to create the schedule.
Use the options on the right to duplicate, remove, or undo changes to a schedule.
Click Save after all options are selected in the Attributes and the Start window tabs.
Review the Backup schedule preview window and verify that all schedules are set correctly.
- In Storage options, configure the storage type per schedule you configured in step 3.
The options vary depending on storage options currently setup to work with NetBackup.
A protection plan can only use the storage that a NetBackup 8.1.2 or newer media server can access.
Storage option
Perform snapshot backups
Performs a point-in-time, read-only, disk-based copy of a client volume. NetBackup backs up data from the snapshot, not directly from the client's primary or original volume. Snapshots cannot be used to perform differential backups or transaction log backups. In those cases NetBackup performs a stream-based backup.
You can select from the following methods: Automatic, VxVM, or VSS. See Snapshot methods.
Note that SQL Server dynamic file allocation can reduce the likelihood that any of the component files contain large areas of empty space. Also see the NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide for details on the factors that can influence backup performance.
Backup storage
OpenStorage is required for this option. Tape, storage unit groups, and Replication Director not supported.
Click Edit to select the storage target. Click Use selected storage after selecting the storage target.
Transaction log options
When you configure a transaction log schedule, you can choose to use the same storage that is used for database backups. Or, you can choose unique storage for transaction logs.
- In Backup options, configure the options that you want.
Note: For availability groups, ensure that you select a Availability database backup preference setting for databases and for transaction logs.
- In Permissions, review the roles that have access to the protection plan.
To give another role access to this protection plan, click Add. Select the Role in the table and customize the role by adding or removing permissions in the Select permissions section.
- In Review, verify that the protection plan details are correct and click Save.