NetBackup™ Web UI Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (, 9.0)
  1. Introducing the NetBackup web user interface
      About the NetBackup web UI
      Sign in to the NetBackup web UI
      Sign out of the NetBackup web UI
  2. About NetBackup for SQL Server
      Overview of NetBackup for SQL Server
  3. Installation and host configuration
      Planning the installation of NetBackup for SQL Server
    2. Configuring SQL Server hosts and user permissions
        Installing the Veritas VSS provider for vSphere
      Configuring the NetBackup services for SQL Server backups and restores
      Configure local security privileges for SQL Server
  4. Monitoring and notifications
      The NetBackup dashboard
      Monitoring jobs
      Filter jobs in the job list
  5. Managing SQL Server discovery and credentials
    1. About discovery of SQL Server objects
        Discover advanced or basic availability groups on demand
        Discover databases on demand
        Discover read-scale availability groups
      Browse SQL Server assets
      About SQL Server credentials
      Add credentials to SQL Server instances or replicas
      Manage SQL Server credentials
      Remove SQL Server instances
      Manually add a SQL Server instance
  6. Managing protection plans for SQL Server
      About protecting SQL Server availability groups
    2. Create a protection plan to protect SQL Server assets
        Schedules and retention
        Performance tuning and configuration options
        Using copy-only snapshot backups to affect how differentials are based
        Snapshot methods
      Protect a SQL Server availability group that crosses NetBackup domains
  7. Protecting SQL Server
      Add SQL Server assets to a protection plan
      Edit protection settings for a Microsoft SQL Server asset
      View the protection status of databases, instances, or availability groups
      Remove protection from SQL Server assets
  8. Restoring SQL Server
      Requirements for restores of SQL Server
      Perform a complete database recovery
      Recover a single recovery point
      Options for SQL Server restores
      Restore a SQL Server availability database to a secondary replica
      Restore a SQL Server availability database to the primary and the secondary replicas
  9. Using instant access with SQL Server
    1. Prerequisites when you configure an instant access SQL Server database
        Hardware configuration requirement of instant access
      Things to consider before you configure an instant access database
      Configure Samba users for SQL Server instant access
      Configure an instant access database
      View the livemount details of an instant access database
      Delete an instant access database
      Options for NetBackup for SQL Server instant access
      NetBackup for SQL Server terms
      Frequently asked questions
  10. Protecting SQL Server with VMware backups
      About protecting an application database with VMware backups
    2. Create a protection plan to protect SQL Server data with a VMware backup
        Backup options and Advanced options
        Exclude disks from backups
        Snapshot retry options
      Protect SQL Server data with a VMware backup
      Restore SQL Server databases from a VMware backup
  11. Troubleshooting
      Troubleshooting credential validation
      Troubleshooting VMware backups and restores of SQL Server
      SQL Server log truncation failure during VMware backups of SQL Server

About SQL Server credentials

To protect SQL Server, you must add (or register) credentials to the SQL Server instances or availability replicas. The NetBackup web UI supports Windows authentication and Windows Active Directory authentication. It does not support Mixed Mode or SQL Server authentication. Credentials are not supported at the database or the availability group level.

Table: Options to register credentials

Option to register credentials

Environment and configuration

Use these specific credentials (recommended)

  • The SQL Server DBA provides the NetBackup administrator with the SQL Server user credentials.

  • The SQL Server DBA does not want the NetBackup services running as a privileged SQL Server user on the client.

Configuration requirements

The user account that is used to register credentials must have the SQL Server "sysadmin" role and be a member of the Windows Administrators group.

The NetBackup services can use the Local System logon account. If you want to use a different logon account, that account must also have certain local security privileges.

See Configuring the NetBackup services for SQL Server backups and restores.

See Configure local security privileges for SQL Server.

Use credentials that are defined locally on the client

  • The NetBackup services run as a privileged SQL Server user on the client.

  • The SQL Server DBA does not want to provide credentials to register instances or replicas.

  • The NetBackup administrator does not have access to the SQL Server credentials.

Configuration requirements

The user account that is used to register credentials must have the SQL Server "sysadmin" role and be a member of the Windows Administrators group.

You must also configure the logon account for the NetBackup services.

See Configuring the NetBackup services for SQL Server backups and restores.

Registering instances when SQL Server hosts are clustered or use multiple NICs

When NetBackup discovers a SQL Server cluster, it adds a single entry on the Instances tab. This instance represents all nodes in the cluster. The host name is the virtual name of the SQL Server cluster. When you add credentials for this instance NetBackup validates the credentials on the active node. The credentials must be valid for all nodes in the cluster.

When NetBackup discovers a SQL Server host that uses multiple NICs, it adds an entry using the NetBackup client name on the Instances tab. If you installed the NetBackup client using the public interface name, you must configure the NetBackup client name as the private interface name. Then add credentials to the instance with its private interface name. For a SQL Server cluster that uses multiple NICs, add credentials to the instance with the private virtual name of the SQL Server cluster.

Registering Microsoft SQL Server failover cluster instances (FCIs)

NetBackup discovers and displays failover cluster instances (FCIs) under the cluster name and the physical node names. For example, instance FCI is enumerated with both its physical nodes hostvm10 and hostvm11 and with its cluster name sql-fci. Databases that exist for FCIs are also enumerated with the node names and the cluster name. Depending on how you want to protect a database, add credentials to either the cluster name (that are valid for all nodes) or to a physical node name.

Validation of credentials

After you add credentials, NetBackup validates the credentials and starts database and availability group discovery. When discovery completes, the results are displayed on the Databases or the Availability group tab.

For a SQL Server cluster or if an availability group instance is part of SQL Server cluster, NetBackup validates the credentials on the active node. The credentials must be valid for all nodes in the cluster. For a SQL Server availability group, replicas are registered and validated individually. Note that the registered date reflects the date and time the credential was added or updated and does not indicate if the credentials are valid.