Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Solutions in Cloud Environments
- Overview and preparation
- Configurations for Amazon Web Services - Linux
- Configurations for Amazon Web Services - Windows
- Replication configurations in AWS - Windows
- HA and DR configurations in AWS - Windows
- Configurations for Microsoft Azure - Linux
- Configurations for Microsoft Azure - Windows
- Configurations for Google Cloud Platform- Linux
- Configurations for Google Cloud Platform - Windows
- Replication to and across cloud environments
- Migrating files to the cloud using Cloud Connectors
- Troubleshooting issues in cloud deployments
DR across GCP regions or VPC networks - Windows
InfoScale Enterprise lets you use the global cluster option (GCO) for DR configurations. You can use a DR configuration to fail over applications across different regions or VPC networks in GCP. The cluster nodes can be in the same zone or in different zones.
The following information is required:
VPC network peering between regions
The IP address to be used for cross-cluster communication:
Virtual private IP for cluster the nodes that exist in the same subnet
Overlay IP for cluster the nodes that exist in different subnets
and thegoogle-api-python-client
GCP Python modules. For details, see the Bundled Agents Reference Guide - Windows.
The following graphic depicts a sample DR configuration across GCP regions:
The sample configuration includes the following elements:
VPN tunnel between Region A and Region B
The primary site has the following elements:
A VPC network, VPC1, is configured in RegionA of the Google cloud.
An application is configured for HA using an InfoScale cluster that comprises two nodes, Node 1 and Node 2, which are VM instances.
Node 1 exists in Subnet 1 and Node 2 exists in Subnet 2.
An overlay IP is configured to allow the redirection of IP address traffic to another cluster node that belongs to a different subnet during failover or failback.
The secondary site has the following elements:
A VPC network, VPC2, is configured in RegionB of the Google cloud.
The same application is configured for HA on Node 3 and Node 4, which exist in Subnet 3 and Subnet 4 respectively.
The overlay IP allows the private IP of a node to fail over from one subnet to another in a zone.
The following snippet is a service group configuration from a sample VCS configuration file ( at the primary site (Region A):
include "" cluster democls ( UserNames = { "ADMINISTRATOR@NEWGCPDC" = "" } ClusterAddress = "" Administrators = { "ADMINISTRATOR@NEWGCPDC" } SecureClus = 1 ) remotecluster DRNODE ( ClusterAddress = "" ) heartbeat Icmp ( ClusterList = { DRNODE } Arguments @DRNODE = { "" } ) system cloudvm1 ( ) system cloudvm2 ( ) group ClusterService ( SystemList = { cloudvm1 = 0, cloudvm2 = 1 } AutoStartList = { cloudvm1, cloudvm2 } ) GoogleIP csg_GoogleIP ( PrivateIP = "" MACAddress @cloudvm1 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:06" MACAddress @cloudvm2 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:05" ) IP csg_ip ( Address = "" SubNetMask = "" MACAddress @cloudvm1 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:06" MACAddress @cloudvm2 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:05" ) NIC csg_nic ( MACAddress @cloudvm1 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:06" MACAddress @cloudvm2 = "42:01:0A:D0:08:05" ) Process wac ( StartProgram @cloudvm1 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wac.exe\"" StartProgram @cloudvm2 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wac.exe\"" StopProgram @cloudvm1 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacstop.exe\"" StopProgram @cloudvm2 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacstop.exe\"" MonitorProgram @cloudvm1 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacmonitor.exe\"" MonitorProgram @cloudvm2 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacmonitor.exe\"" ) csg_GoogleIP requires csg_ip csg_ip requires csg_nic wac requires csg_GoogleIP
The following snippet is a service group configuration from a sample VCS configuration file ( at the secondary site (Region B):
include "" cluster DRNODE ( UserNames = { "ADMINISTRATOR@NEWGCPDC" = "" } ClusterAddress = "" Administrators = { "ADMINISTRATOR@NEWGCPDC" } SecureClus = 1 ) remotecluster democls ( ClusterAddress = "" ) heartbeat Icmp ( ClusterList = { democls } Arguments @democls = { "" } ) system cloudvm3 ( ) group ClusterService ( SystemList = { cloudvm3 = 0 } AutoStartList = { cloudvm3 } ) GoogleIP csg_GoogleIP ( PrivateIP = "" MACAddress = 42-01-0A-D0-04-04 ) IP csg_ip ( Address = "" SubNetMask = "" MACAddress @cloudvm3 = "42:01:0A:D0:04:04" ) NIC csg_nic ( MACAddress @cloudvm3 = "42:01:0A:D0:04:04" ) Process wac ( StartProgram @cloudvm3 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wac.exe\"" StopProgram @cloudvm3 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacstop.exe\"" MonitorProgram @cloudvm3 = "\"C:\\Program Files\\ Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\wacmonitor.exe\"" ) csg_GoogleIP requires csg_ip csg_ip requires csg_nic wac requires csg_GoogleIP