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Veritas InfoScale™ 7.4.1 Solutions in Cloud Environments
Last Published:
InfoScale & Storage Foundation (7.4.1)
Platform: Linux,Windows
- Overview and preparation
- Configurations for Amazon Web Services - Linux
- Configurations for Amazon Web Services - Windows
- Replication configurations in AWS - Windows
- HA and DR configurations in AWS - Windows
- Configurations for Microsoft Azure - Linux
- Configurations for Microsoft Azure - Windows
- Configurations for Google Cloud Platform- Linux
- Configurations for Google Cloud Platform - Windows
- Replication to and across cloud environments
- Migrating files to the cloud using Cloud Connectors
- Troubleshooting issues in cloud deployments
Public access to cluster nodes in Azure using public IP - Linux
To allow public access to a cluster node or to an application configured for HA in Azure environment, specify the IP in the PublicIP attribute for the AzureIP resource. This IP is used to map the Public IP address to a secondary private IP address. For example, if you have an application that needs to be highly available and to be accessible globally, you can use the PublicIP attribute of the AzureIP agent to ensure both.
Sample service group configuration with Public IP
group AzureAuthGrp ( SystemList = { azureVM1 = 0, azureVM2 = 1 } Parallel = 1 ) AzureAuth azurauth ( SubscriptionId = 6940a326-abg6-40dd-b628-c1e9bbdf1d63 ClientId = 8c891a8c-xyz2-473b-bigc-035bd50fb896 SecretKey = gsiOssRooSpsPotQkmOmiQioNsjQlqHovUosQsrMt TenantId = 96dcasae-0448-4308-b503-6667d61dd0e3 ) Phantom phres ( ) group AzurePrivateIP ( SystemList = { azureVM1 = 0, azureVM2 = 1 } AutoStartList = { azureVM1, azureVM2 } ) AzureIP azureipres ( PrivateIP = "" NICDevice = eth0 PublicIP = "" AzureAuthResName = azurauth ) IP ipres ( Device = eth0 Address = "" NetMask = "" ) NIC nicres ( Device = eth0 ) ipres requires azureipres ipres requires nicres