Veritas NetBackup™ for MariaDB Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)

Querying the backups

The nbmariadb query command lists the backup files according to the options that you specify. You can configure these parameters from the nbmariadb.conf file or provide the parameters using the nbmariadb command line. The parameter -S is the required parameter. Alternatively, you can query the backups using the -C and -P options to define a different client and policy.

By default, NetBackup uses the values that you have configured in the nbmariadb.conf file.

Before you run a query, you must set the following parameters in the nbmariadb.conf file or provide on the command line:




To query backup

  1. Configure the settings in the nbmariadb.conf file or the nbmariadb command line.
  2. Run the following command:

    nbmariadb -o query -S master_server_name [-C client_name] [-P policy_name]

For example, to query a backup from Client A, run the following command:

nbmariadb -o query -S master_server_name [-C ClientA]

For example, to list backup files with the policy name policy_name, run the following command:

nbmariadb -o query -S master_server_name [-P policy_name]

For example, to query a backup from the client Client A with policy name policy_name, run the following command:

nbmariadb -o query -S master_server_name [-C ClientA] [-P policy_name]