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Veritas NetBackup™ for MariaDB Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.2)
- Introduction to NetBackup for MariaDB Agent
- Installing the NetBackup for MariaDB Agent
- Configuring the NetBackup for MariaDB
- NetBackup for MariaDB backup and restore
- Troubleshooting for NetBackup for MariaDB
- Appendix A. About NetBackup for MariaDB commands and conventions
- Appendix B. The NetBackup for MariaDB commands
Verifying the operating systems and the platforms
Verify that the NetBackup for MariaDB Agent is supported on your operating system or platforms.
The agent supports the operations on following platforms:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 and later
SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 11 SP4 and later
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and later
Microsoft Windows 8.1 and later
NetBackup 8.1 (Server and client)
NetBackup XBSA SDK 1.1.0