Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Classification using the Veritas Information Classifier
- About this guide
- Preparing Enterprise Vault for classification
- Setting up Veritas Information Classifier policies
- Defining and applying Enterprise Vault classification policies
- Defining classification policies
- Running classification in test mode
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in custom field searches
- Appendix B. PowerShell cmdlets for use with classification
- Appendix C. Classification cache folder
- Appendix D. Migrating from FCI classification to the Veritas Information Classifier
- Appendix E. Monitoring and troubleshooting
About patterns
In the conditions of a policy, you can instruct the Veritas Information Classifier to look for one or more patterns in the items that it classifies. For example, here are the conditions for the built-in policy that is called "Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy":
Each condition looks for a match between the content of an item and an existing pattern: either "Individual Communication" or "Ethics & Code of Conduct". When an item matches both patterns, it meets the conditions of the policy.
The built-in patterns that come with the Veritas Information Classifier use sophisticated algorithms to look for pattern matches and assign a confidence level. You can view the range of confidence levels for a pattern by selecting it in the item list. For example, the pattern "Credit/Debit Card Number" matches with low confidence if it finds a string of digits that conform to the format of a credit card number, but it matches with high confidence if these digits are accompanied by credit-related keywords like "AMEX" and "Visa". When you create or edit policies, you can set the required confidence level for these pattern matches.
Each built-in pattern is used by at least one of the built-in policies, and you can incorporate the patterns in any custom policies that you create. You can also create custom patterns if the built-in ones do not meet your needs. However, it is important to note that these custom patterns are not as sophisticated as the built-in ones. Custom patterns can look for matches with a keyword list or regular expression only, with no confidence levels.
You can edit and delete custom patterns, but you cannot edit and delete built-in patterns.