Veritas NetBackup™ Upgrade Quick Start Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)

Upgrading UNIX/Linux server software to NetBackup 8.1.2

You should schedule your upgrade and reconfiguration for a time when backups do not run. However, the upgrade procedure instructs you to deactivate all policies to ensure that backups do not interfere with the upgrade. You can also temporarily modify policies so that backups do not run while you upgrade and reconfigure NetBackup.

To upgrade UNIX/Linux server software to 8.1.2

  1. Log on as the root user on the server.
  2. If the NetBackup Administration Console is open, you must close it now.
  3. (Conditional) For clustered environments, perform the following tasks:
    • If necessary, edit the bp.conf and the vm.conf files as follows:

      If a REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry exists, replace it with a CLUSTER_NAME entry. Otherwise, add a new CLUSTER_NAME entry. This entry should be defined as the virtual server name.

      For a master server, make sure that the first SERVER entry matches the CLUSTER_NAME entry for the bp.conf file.

    • Take the NetBackup Group offline. Use the command shown:

      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -offline

    • Freeze the NetBackup Group so that migrations do not occur while the inactive nodes are upgraded. Use the command shown:

      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -freeze group -persistent

    • If you have a VCS cluster configured, you can freeze the NetBackup Group by using the Cluster Manager interface or the command line.

    • Before you proceed with a cluster upgrade, refer to the NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide for other cluster upgrade requirements.

  4. For Solaris systems, all of the NetBackup scripts that you may have modified are removed when you run the upgrade script.

    For non-Solaris systems, NetBackup scripts that are not covered in Chapter 1 that you modified are removed when you run the upgrade script. More information about this topic is available.

    See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.

    Save any files that you have modified and want to keep.

  5. Use one of the following methods to start the upgrade script:

    ESD images (downloaded files)

    • Navigate to the location where the installation images reside.

    • Enter the following command:


    Native install tools

    NetBackup supports the install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers. More information is available.

    See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.

  6. Follow the prompts in the installation script to install the NetBackup server binaries.
  7. When the script finishes, the binaries are successfully installed.

    Proceed to the post-installation procedure.