Veritas NetBackup™ Upgrade Quick Start Guide
Post-install procedure for upgrading to NetBackup 8.1.2
Post-installation steps to upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.2 describes the post-installation steps to upgrade NetBackup and complete the image metadata migration.
Post-installation steps to upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.2
Check for an available NetBackup 8.1.2 maintenance release. Maintenance releases include very important fixes that are released after NetBackup 8.1.2. Veritas encourages you to install the latest available maintenance release during upgrade activities.
To access the latest NetBackup 8.1.2 maintenance release:
Go to the NetBackup SORT website.
In the Installation and Upgrade Checklist section:
Under Product, select the correct product (NetBackup Enterprise Server or NetBackup Server)
Under Product version you are installing or upgrading to specify the latest version of NetBackup
Under Platform select the platform of the server you want to upgrade.
Under Processor specify the processor of your server.
Under Product version you are upgrading from (Optional) select the current version of NetBackup on the server you want to upgrade.
Click Generate Checklist.
Under Upgrade Information, there is a version_number Download Links hyperlink. Click that hyperlink for the latest maintenance release.
If no maintenance release is available, restart bprd if you terminated it. Proceed once bprd is restarted.
UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bprd
If you find a maintenance release is available, download it now.
Prepare for the install by stopping all NetBackup processes and services. Use the command shown:
UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpdown -f
Install the maintenance release.
Restart NetBackup with the commands shown:
UNIX/Linux systems: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.start_all
Windows systems: install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpup -f
- Set a passphrase for the disaster recovery package. If you do not set a passphrase, the catalog backups fail. More information is available. Please see the information about passphrases in the Veritas NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.
- If you plan to use role-based access control (RBAC), you must designate a security administrator. More information is available:
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
- Start any applications on the system that interact with NetBackup. This step includes any databases or system components being backed up.
- If you have a clustered master server, generate a certificate on the inactive nodes for secure communications. More information is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
- (Conditional) This step applies only to cluster installations. If this computer is not a clustered master server upgrade, proceed to the next step.
Update the other nodes in the cluster. You can update the other master servers nodes in the cluster to NetBackup 8.1.2 by following standard cluster upgrade process. For complete details, see the Veritas NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide.
If the NetBackup resource is not online, bring that resource online.
- If you have any media servers that you intend to upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.2, you may upgrade them now. If you start any media server upgrades, do not continue with this procedure until the media server upgrades are complete.
NetBackup requires that media servers have a security certificate to function correctly in certain use cases. More information about this topic is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
More information about this topic is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
Reactivate the following in the order as shown:
All disk staging storage units.
All NetBackup policies.
All storage lifecycle policies (SLPs).
OpsCenter data collection for this master server.
- (Conditional) If your environment uses cloud storage, you need to update the read and write buffer sizes. More information is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
- (Conditional) If you have a NetApp cluster, additional steps may be required. More information is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
- (Conditional) If you use cloud storage in your NetBackup environment, you must update your cloud configuration file. More information is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
- Monitor your backup environment to verify that normal NetBackup operation has resumed.
- Upgrade any media servers and clients not already upgraded as time and backup windows permit. Be sure to upgrade the media servers before you upgrade the clients. You cannot back up or restore a NetBackup 8.1 client to a pre-8.1 media server.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
A client upgrade is the same as a client installation. See the NetBackup Installation Guide - UNIX and Windows manual for help with the installation.
All scripts must be stored and run locally. One recommendation is that scripts should not be world-writable. Scripts are not allowed to be run from network or remote locations. Any script that is created and saved in the NetBackup
(UNIX) ordbext
(Windows) location needs to be protected during a NetBackup uninstall.For more information about registering authorized locations and scripts, review the knowledge base article:
For more information about your specific database agent, review the documentation for that agent:
- Perform any additional upgrade steps. More information about this topic is available.
See the Veritas NetBackup Upgrade Guide.