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Veritas Access Appliance Release Notes
Last Published:
Appliances (7.4.3)
Platform: Veritas 3340,Access Appliance OS
- Overview of Access Appliance
- Changes in this release
- Fixed issues
- Software limitations
- Limitations related to installation and upgrade
- Limitation related to replication
- Known issues
- Access Appliance known issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Access Appliance operational notes
- Admin issues
- Backup issues
- CIFS issues
- General issues
- GUI issues
- Installation and configuration issues
- Internationalization (I18N) issues
- Networking issues
- NFS issues
- ObjectAccess issues
- OpenStack issues
- Replication issues
- STIG issues
- Storage issues
- System issues
- Upgrade issues
- Veritas Data Deduplication issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Access Appliance known issues
- Getting help
Rolling upgrade fails when the cluster has space-optimized rollback in online state
Space-optimized rollbacks are always created with a simple file system layout irrespective of the underlying file system layout. Hence, there is a possibility that the CVM/CFS service group may go into a faulted state during rolling upgrade. If the CVM/CFS service group are in faulted state, then the rolling upgrade fails.
Bring all the space-optimized rollbacks to offline state before performing rolling upgrade. To list the rollbacks:
Storage> rollback list
To bring all the rollbacks to offline state:
Storage> offline <rollback_name>