Veritas Access Appliance Release Notes
- Overview of Access Appliance
- Changes in this release
- Fixed issues
- Software limitations
- Limitations related to installation and upgrade
- Limitation related to replication
- Known issues
- Access Appliance known issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Access Appliance operational notes
- Admin issues
- Backup issues
- CIFS issues
- General issues
- GUI issues
- Installation and configuration issues
- Internationalization (I18N) issues
- Networking issues
- NFS issues
- ObjectAccess issues
- OpenStack issues
- Replication issues
- STIG issues
- Storage issues
- System issues
- Upgrade issues
- Veritas Data Deduplication issues
- Access Appliance issues
- Access Appliance known issues
- Getting help
After you restart a node that uses RDMA LLT, LLT does not work, or the gabconfig - a command shows the jeopardy state
Iptables are enabled by default on the Access Appliance cluster nodes. The iptables can affect the LLT function for the RDMA network.
Because LLT uses UDP to communicate in an RDMA network, you should add rules into the iptables to allow the LLT connection.
The iptable rules take effect before the LLT module is loaded. The iptables rules are managed by the Access Appliance script, which is executed after Veritas Cluster Service (VCS) comes up (it is started when the VCS Service Group comes online). When LLT is loaded, the iptables are in the default state, and the LLT connection through UDP is blocked.
For a fresh configuration of Access Appliance in an RDMA LLT environment:
- After all the configurations are finished, log on to each node and disable the iptables by entering:
# chkconfig --level 123456 iptables off
- Restart all the nodes. If the restart process cannot unload the OPENIB module, reset the node from the server console.
For adding a Access Appliance node in an RDMA LLT environment:
- After you complete adding a node, log on to each node (including the newly added one) and disable the iptables by entering:
# chkconfig --level 123456 iptables off
- Restart all the nodes. If the restart process cannot unload the OPENIB module, reset the node from the server console.