How to troubleshoot "Unable to attach to one of the drives" or "unable to attach to a resource" when a backup or restore job fails V-79-57344-33932

Articolo: 100021306
Data ultima modifica: 2023-10-04
Valutazioni: 0 1
Prodotto/i: Backup Exec


Backup or Restore job fails with error "Unable to attach to one of the drives" or "unable to attach to a resource" (Error codes: a000848c HEX or e000848c HEX).


Error Message


Final Error Code: a000848c HEX (0xa000848c HEX) or e000848c HEX (0xe000848c HEX)
Final Error Description:  
"Unable to attach to one of the drives" or "Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again"
Final Error Category:  Resource Errors
Error Text In Job Log: 

- "Unable to attach to"
- "Unable to attach to this resource. Make sure that this resource exists, and then try again."



Based upon the specified reasons the following solutions should be applied-
Reason 1: The user account specified in Backup Exec to back up/restore the resource does not exist on the resource being backed up/restored.
Solution: Verify that the user account specified exists on the resource being backed up/restored. Edit the backup/restore job on the Job Setup tab and select Resource Credentials. Verify that the user account listed next to the resource exists on the resource being backed up/restored.
Reason 2: The password for the user account specified in Backup Exec to Back up/Restore the resource is incorrect.

Solution: Verify that the password for the user account specified is correct. In Backup Exec, edit the Backup/Restore job on the Job Setup tab, click Resource Credentials, and click Change. Select the "Backup Exec Logon Account" used to Back up/Restore the resource, and click Edit. Click Change password and retype the password for the user account. Make sure that the password entered matches the password for the user account on the resource being backed up/restored.
Reason 3: The resource that the backup/restore job is trying to attach to is offline or no longer exists.

Solution: Verify that the resource being backed up/restored exists and is online.
Reason 4: The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers service is not started on the computer that the backup/restore job is trying to attach to.

Solution: Access target server and verify by running "services.msc" that the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers service is started and running under "Local System" on the computer that is being backed up/restored.
Reason 5: The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers is not present on the computer that the backup/restore job is trying to attach to.

Solution: Verify that the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers is installed on the computer that is being backed up/restored.

Reason 6: The computer that the backup/restore job is trying to attach to has an older version of the Backup Exec Remote Agent.

Solution: Verify that the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers installed on the computer that is being backed up/restored is the same version as that of the media server. 
Visit for more information about how to check if Remote Agent is running on target server
Reason 7:  The server name being advertised to the media server when a restore is attempted is different than it was originally in the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility on the remote server when that machine was backed up.  
For more information, visit How to check the version or status of the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers. about how to check publishing options.
Reason 8: If this error occurs for a file or folder, then it is possible that it is in use or some Anti-virus program is blocking or scanning it
Solution: Make sure that the file or folder is not blocked by Anti-Virus program, try setting up an exception for the resource and check if that works


Below are links to related documents that contain the same errors.
Enterprise Vault (EV) Agent: 
"Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again" when trying to restore Enterprise Vault Partition.
"0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again" when trying to restore Enterprise Vault Partition.

Exchange Agent:
A restore job to redirect Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Store data to a Recovery Storage Group on an alternate server in the same Administrative Group fails. The final error is "0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again."   

Oracle Agent:
When backing up Oracle, "Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online and then try again." occurs. 

Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS):

 'Unable to attach to a resource' may occur when a restore is attempted if the machine name does not match the name listed in the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility when the backup was performed.    


UMI : V-79-57344-33932 JIRA : 0xa000848c HEX JIRA : 0xe000848c HEX

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