V-79-57344-33932 : 'Unable to attach to a resource' may occur when a restore is attempted if the machine name does not match the name listed in the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility when the backup was performed.

Articolo: 100018909
Data ultima modifica: 2018-04-28
Valutazioni: 0 1
Prodotto/i: Backup Exec


If the machine name does not match the name listed in the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility when the backup was performed , the error, 'Unable to attach to a resource' may occur when a restore is attempted.

Error Message

0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource

UMI: V-79-57344-33932



Backup Exec requires access to the server being restored, by the same name with which it was backed up when restoring the following items:
  • Shadow Copy Components
  • System State
  • Utility Partitions
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Oracle Server
  • Linux / Unix / Macintosh Servers


If the restore job fails with Resource Credentials error and the event ID 65535 is occurring on the media server when trying to run the job or when testing the Resource Credentials within the job an Access Denied message occurs, make sure the server name is being advertised to the media server as it was originally by the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility on the remote server.
Event ID 65535
The Backup Exec Server Service did not start. An internal error (-22) occurred in object 10.

Steps to test the above scenario
1. Open a Command Prompt on the Media server
2. Type the following from the Media server and make sure it resolves the name of the remote server correctly
3. Open a Command Prompt on the remote server
4. Type the following from the remote server and make sure it resolves the name of the media server correctly
5. Check to see if the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility is advertising just the NETBIOS name of the server by opening the utility on the remote server and selecting the PUBLISHING tab.  If so, edit the remote server HOST name to append the fully qualified domain suffix to the server name under MY COMPUTER > PROPERTIES > COMPUTER NAME
6. Reboot the remote server and run the restore
7. Now a byte count should be visible without the error
Alternatively, redirection of the backup set to a different location during a restore is available on some items depending on the version of Backup Exec that is being used.  When selecting an item for restore from the restore selections that shows the server as the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), the FULL COMPUTER NAME on the server getting restored should be the same as it shows in the restore selections window of Backup Exec.  The same goes for a server that was backed up by the NETBIOS name, the NETBIOS name should be showing in the FULL COMPUTER NAME on the server getting restored
For each of the bolded categories below, use the instructions that follow to successfully restore those items.
Shadow Copy Components / System State
1. Check to see if attempting to restore while in Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) 
2. If not, reboot the server into DSRM
3. Setup the restore of the Shadow Copy Components and System State selections
4. Run the job
Utility Partition
1. Ensure that the original server is online and reachable with the same name as what the restore selections show it as
2. Setup the restore of the Utility Partition selection
3. Run the job
Microsoft Exchange / Microsoft SQL Server / Microsoft Sharepoint / Oracle Server
1. Ensure that the original server is online and reachable with the same name as what the restore selections show it as
2. If a redirected restore is being performed, make sure that the target server has the Backup Exec Remote Agent installed and is advertising the same name that is entered as the server name to be restored to in the redirection field of the restore job
3. Setup the restore of the database or individual (Exchange, Sharepoint and Oracle only) restore selections
4. Run the job
Linux / Unix / Macintosh Servers
1. Ensure that the original server is online and reachable with the same name as what the restore selections show it as
2. If a redirected restore is being performed, make sure that the target server has the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Linux and Unix Servers ( RALUS) or Backup Exec Remote Agent for Macintosh Servers ( RAMS) installed and is advertising the same name that is entered as the server name to be restored to in the redirection field of the restore job
3. Setup the restore of the files and folders selections
4. Run the job





Etrack : 0xE000848C Etrack : 65535 UMI : V-79-57344-33932

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