V-79-57344-33898 - The resource could not be restored because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent. .

Articolo: 100017332
Data ultima modifica: 2023-09-25
Valutazioni: 0 0
Prodotto/i: Backup Exec


V-79-57344-33898 - The resource could not be restored because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent.


Error Message

Final error: 0xe000846b - The resource could not be restored because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent. Make sure that the Remote Agent is installed on the target computer and is running.



This error is a generic remote restore error that can be received during a multitude of different restore types, including Oracle databases, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, NetWare or Windows File System, and Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) restore operations.

There can be a number of reasons for this error, including the following:

Network Issue:

1. Incorrect NDMP port allocation on the Media Server or Remote Server. To change the port, see the following article:


2. The server is no longer on the network. Try to ping the server to check availability.

3. The server is behind a firewall. Turn off the firewall settings or open the ports for the Remote Agent at the firewall. Veritas recommends using a range of 50 allocated ports for the media server if using Backup Exec with a firewall. For details, please see the section "Using Backup Exec with Firewalls" on page 341 of the Administrator's Guide.


Resource Issue:

1. Incorrect entry in the Restore Job Properties File Re-direction or Agent (SQL, Exchange, SharePoint, Oracle, etc...) Selection.  For example: instead of writing "c:" its entered as  "c" as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

For the database agent Redirected Restores, the server name, instance, storage group, etc... must be correct and the database application may have to be configured to allow a restore to be performed.
2. Resources no longer exist. To resolve,  either create the new selection list or edit the current selection list and delete the resource which no longer exists. 


RAWS (Remote Agent for Windows Server) Issue :

1. Make sure Remote Agent for Windows Server service is running on the Remote Server. If not, then install the remote agent via Push or Manual installation.

2. Make sure the Remote Agent version on the Remote Server is in sync with the Media Server version.

Please see the Related Documents section on How to install the Remote Agent.

Logon Account Issue:

Make sure the log-on account has sufficient rights to backup the resource. Try using a different log-on account which has sufficient  rights on the remote resource. To go to Logon Accounts, From the Backup Exec console,  Click on Configuration and Settings, Logon accounts, Manage Logon Accounts as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Please see Related Articles Section to get more specific information related to the restore type in question.




UMI : V-79-57344-33898 Etrack : 0xe000846b

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