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NetBackup - MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle (Etrack 4122719)

Corrección Crítico


NetBackup MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle


Veritas Bug ID: ET 4122719


Problem Description: NetBackup MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle


Version:  NetBackup


Installation Location:  Media Server, Client


If client side deduplication is used, this EEB should be installed on the client and MSDP server. All servers that are MSDP storage pools or can write to a MSDP storage pool should also have this EEB installed.


This Hotfix contains multiple Emergency Engineering Binaries which fix problems with MSDP Servers, Flex, and Flex WORM Appliances.


Fixes Included in this NetBackup MSDP EEB Bundle:


ET 4124834: Backport kek_tag_reporting and crcontrol createnewkek option, includes Incident 4118545, Incident 4116618, Incident 4113795, Incident 4115764.
ET 4120242: cleanup ushare backup snapshot copies may cause memory leak
ET 4118121: add try catch for file system release
ET 4118480: usharecli read all OST image from C1F1, C1F2, C1F3 ... C1FX, not just read the first C1F1 image
ET 4118349: backup and background task deadlock
ET 4119452: After ushare backup, loop device might be hold by mtstrmd and other processes and could not release
ET 4125603: Add engine down check to improve scache hookup performance
ET 4127588: Check if the containers are in recover mode nodes.
ET 4127761: snapshot may mount incorrect head volume 
ET 4130738: file path may be missing while rename a file in UShare
ET 4130516: set vpfs dsid encryption when dsid 0 is set during initialization.
ET 4130860: Fix oracle copilot with ushare backup from snapshot fail with status 40/6 issue (errno 9 when dump file's SO list)
ET 4127577: fix out of memory issue.
ET 4130976: Close the DC iterator when all entries are accessed.
ET 4118234: Close dc data file to clean up the open files and free memory
ET 4122249: The performance issue of vpfsd instances from different container instances are bound to the same set of CPU's on Flex
ET 4128953: spoold's loopback noblocking socket stop work in windows 2019
ET 4132111: Too many logs in online check log files
ET 4128845: Spad hang due to lock leak 
ET 4131769: devname in /etc/fstab, use .vxblkdevuuidmap to get uuid
ET 4128638: Disable SMBv1 due to 'Deprecated Protocol SMBv1 Supported'
ET 4123495: High memory RSS usage of vpfsd process after running Ushare dump and backups for several hours, cause pod/spoold restart
ET 4126907: compaction needn't call loadIndexFromContainer() if s-p cache is enabled
ET 4138610: Media Server instance off-line due to /mnt/nbdata run out of inodes
ET 4104218: ET4104218 - Media Write Error(84)
ET 4139144: Ushare backup reports no such file or directory during ushare dump and backup concurrently.

ET 4139944: porting:check errno instead the return value and if path noexist try to creating it    
ET 4141039: NetBackup Flex WORM Universal Share: incomplete MSDP cleanup or poor deduplication - PO size incorrect

ET 4133206: Ushare accelerator crashes while doing multiple types of operations against it
ET 4136443: Porting fix to correct the create folder check
ET 4124639: During scalability case running, found ushare access hang issue
ET 4139748: chdir() should not be called from DeleteTree() especially in a multi-threaded process, otherwise CWD of the process would be wrong forever.
ET 4142962: vpfsd hang during concurrent dumping data to ushare from 2 clients, the following ushare backup also hang

ET 4112468: Fix request getLsuBucketRetention is sent to spad too often issue.
ET 4143329: Adjust the online check batch sizeIncident:

ET 4134616: vpfs popen to close parent file handles before executing child process
ET 4133598: Ushare backup fails on 40 error, hangs at mkfs
ET 4147534: move extent failure due to not enough space
ET 4144312: Fix coredump of dcscan

ET 4153909: bad recovering file causes vpfsd cannot be repaired autmaticly
ET 4120485: Disable image data container retention lock.
ET 4153152: ignore filename having surrogates
ET 4113961: Add option in pd.conf to allow MSSQL backup using multi-stream
ET 4152661: Use token credential to disable WORM image in Recovery Vault cloud provider.
ET 4132244: Fix delete share may fail if some shares are initializing
ET 4146413: update im if tir or data vector is empty
ET 4145149: Improve SQL backup performance in NBFS
ET 4110247: Validate host only if secure comms is enabled
ET 4153102: fix boost interprocess security issue. use programdata folder
ET 4118717: support independent disk for instant access vm
ET 4156139: 'catdbutil --worm disable' command should handle AWS STS token expired error and repeatable.
ET 4156951: Credentials print error.
ET 4156775: increase inode space usage from 25% (default) to 80%
ET 4145688: limit malware scan retention to 3 days
ET 4127387: UShare dump failed and VPFS reported lots of stack trace ERROR, after rename  failure
ET 4153102: fix boost interprocess security issue. use programdata folder

ET 4158688: Improve cata2map logs
ET 4158977: Fix the vpfs_mounts hang issue when /etc/resolv.conf is empty
ET 4159164: Missing /var/log/nginx on WORM instance
ET 4159647: Flush race condition observed while dumping data to UShare accelerator for RDS PGSQL Database
ET 4156433: After upgrade to Access 8.2 NBU jobs start but do not progress
ET 4160369: Universal share backup failing with status 40, vpfs logs show 'size should not be 0, but its size is 0'
ET 4162644: UShare backup hang 
ET 4162456: Vpfs stability enhancements
ET 4161170: Unable to reconnect to MSDP Storage after upgrade to NBU 10.4Unable to reconnect to MSDP Storage after upgrade to NBU 10.4
ET 4159340: Split the init into two parts, create threads only if all other components have been initialized
ET 4163635: Set default WORM min = 1 day, max = 1 year in spadb
ET 4162340: Notify memory allocator to release memory if it reserve too much memoryCRQP and crcontrol can ask tcmalloc and glibc to free reserved memoryIncident:
ET 4164500: Call prlimit to let spoold be able to mlock the whole FP cache
ET 4158136: Log more details for I/O error
ET 4164426: After parallel duplication to MSPD-C WORM only first copy created gets as WORM locked

Version 19 includes/adds:


ET 4181061: 'crcontrol --memallocator release' hung
ET 4178785: Poor backup performance after migration to 5360 Flex HA appliances
ET 4177901: Fix the invalidation of config param OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH when param BandwidthLimit is zero.
ET 4175374: fix chown for folder: if user or group is not provided, just keep original value.
ET 4173259: let merge continue if it has been canceled too many times

Installation Location:  Media Server, Client


Installation Instructions:  


Please follow the EEB Installer instructions below.


Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer


Installing EEBs/Add-ons on a NetBackup Flex Appliance


How to install client EEB's with VxUpdate


How to Add a VxUpdate file (SJA) to a Flex-based NetBackup Primary Server (





Binary Package Contents and checksums for all files (cksum):

File Checksum Byte count
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/handlehelper 3038265799 65448
linuxR_x86/handlehelper 3038265799 65448
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/handlehelper 1314654258 43496
linuxS_x86/handlehelper 1314654258 43496
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmctl 1208442578 639256
linuxR_x86/mtstrmctl 1208442578 639256
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmctl 728920621 440664
linuxS_x86/mtstrmctl 728920621 440664
rs6000_71/mtstrmctl 3112875320 2212317
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmctl 2795762431 528336
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmd 2736732035 1568480
linuxR_x86/mtstrmd 2736732035 1568480
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmd 2264786238 981792
linuxS_x86/mtstrmd 2264786238 981792
rs6000_71/mtstrmd 1975028867 7294130
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmd 1231345144 1362560
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdcfg 1557502798 214984
linuxR_x86/pdcfg 1557502798 214984
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdcfg 2666365432 180624
linuxS_x86/pdcfg 2666365432 180624
rs6000_71/pdcfg 3403253667 613029
solaris_x86_10_64/pdcfg 812512303 244664
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdregister 3165657210 532568
linuxR_x86/pdregister 3165657210 532568
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdregister 3825489659 338960
linuxS_x86/pdregister 3825489659 338960
rs6000_71/pdregister 2907277699 1589591
solaris_x86_10_64/pdregister 2054713041 465848
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/scsi_inq 2725341377 42296
linuxR_x86/scsi_inq 2725341377 42296
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/scsi_inq 917487463 28624
linuxS_x86/scsi_inq 917487463 28624
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/seedutil 1804386172 98288
linuxR_x86/seedutil 1804386172 98288
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/seedutil 2177554752 71744
linuxS_x86/seedutil 2177554752 71744
rs6000_71/seedutil 2720433338 314842
solaris_x86_10_64/seedutil 439165941 94088
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/appdbutil 2643647293 4272328
linuxR_x86/appdbutil 2643647293 4272328
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/appdbutil 2337600056 3372096
linuxS_x86/appdbutil 2337600056 3372096
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cacontrol 1594627983 175328
linuxR_x86/cacontrol 1594627983 175328
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/cacontrol 1756580814 102720
linuxS_x86/cacontrol 1756580814 102720
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/catdbutil 1211524477 4627896
linuxR_x86/catdbutil 1211524477 4627896
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/catdbutil 3192040328 3487168
linuxS_x86/catdbutil 3192040328 3487168
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crcontrol 4086734215 360000
linuxR_x86/crcontrol 4086734215 360000
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crcontrol 3788065392 297752
linuxS_x86/crcontrol 3788065392 297752
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crstats 1941985367 65936
linuxR_x86/crstats 1941985367 65936
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crstats 2096128079 38536
linuxS_x86/crstats 2096128079 38536
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dcscan 150448786 5412856
linuxR_x86/dcscan 150448786 5412856
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dcscan 3404381874 4182152
linuxS_x86/dcscan 3404381874 4182152
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dedupecatutil 1241858916 670200
linuxR_x86/dedupecatutil 1241858916 670200
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dedupecatutil 3555153535 513536
linuxS_x86/dedupecatutil 3555153535 513536
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/filedel 712146983 46768
linuxR_x86/filedel 712146983 46768
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/filedel 3107795822 28488
linuxS_x86/filedel 3107795822 28488
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileget 1632748594 57952
linuxR_x86/fileget 1632748594 57952
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileget 4285433869 34416
linuxS_x86/fileget 4285433869 34416
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileput 854201199 66024
linuxR_x86/fileput 854201199 66024
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileput 827873038 44072
linuxS_x86/fileput 827873038 44072
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fpindexscan 3938747166 5117560
linuxR_x86/fpindexscan 3938747166 5117560
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fpindexscan 532155458 4068136
linuxS_x86/fpindexscan 532155458 4068136
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/keydictutil 2129321841 712624
linuxR_x86/keydictutil 2129321841 712624
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/keydictutil 2338472720 641176
linuxS_x86/keydictutil 2338472720 641176
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 954712833 388552
linuxR_x86/ 954712833 388552
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 2384422468 402384
linuxS_x86/ 2384422468 402384
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/nbapiutil 2522557287 165304
linuxR_x86/nbapiutil 2522557287 165304
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/nbapiutil 3069302019 118432
linuxS_x86/nbapiutil 3069302019 118432
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdconf 1188682796 40864
linuxR_x86/pdconf 1188682796 40864
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdconf 360864409 18480
linuxS_x86/pdconf 360864409 18480
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddeDR 1549930293 137584
linuxR_x86/pddeDR 1549930293 137584
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddeDR 4170777162 96632
linuxS_x86/pddeDR 4170777162 96632
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddecfg 1829684980 59040
linuxR_x86/pddecfg 1829684980 59040
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddecfg 3960477182 32232
linuxS_x86/pddecfg 3960477182 32232
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refdbutil 1370617208 5303560
linuxR_x86/refdbutil 1370617208 5303560
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/refdbutil 3049034997 4111992
linuxS_x86/refdbutil 3049034997 4111992
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/sodupescanner 4022332438 50520
linuxR_x86/sodupescanner 4022332438 50520
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/sodupescanner 3645120211 31080
linuxS_x86/sodupescanner 3645120211 31080
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spad 1473759009 6420296
linuxR_x86/spad 1473759009 6420296
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spad 2672203054 3689592
linuxS_x86/spad 2672203054 3689592
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spadb 3570043972 777816
linuxR_x86/spadb 3570043972 777816
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spadb 2669116292 831656
linuxS_x86/spadb 2669116292 831656
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spauser 3936238988 921240
linuxR_x86/spauser 3936238988 921240
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spauser 983322945 918528
linuxS_x86/spauser 983322945 918528
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/splogscan 3364572102 76656
linuxR_x86/splogscan 3364572102 76656
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/splogscan 709258906 81816
linuxS_x86/splogscan 709258906 81816
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spoold 475958404 5716296
linuxR_x86/spoold 475958404 5716296
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spoold 3478053337 4063888
linuxS_x86/spoold 3478053337 4063888
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1482949751 6211
linuxR_x86/ 1482949751 6211
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2134505005 725
linuxR_x86/ 2134505005 725
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3411581319 170960
linuxR_x86/ 3411581319 170960
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 3008011613 73464
linuxS_x86/ 3008011613 73464
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 172724818 237096
linuxR_x86/ 172724818 237096
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 936196049 108936
linuxS_x86/ 936196049 108936
rs6000_71/ 3410756146 280593
solaris_x86_10_64/ 1065629195 118392
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2694966733 3178368
linuxR_x86/ 2694966733 3178368
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 2516236704 1992200
linuxS_x86/ 2516236704 1992200
rs6000_71/ 2223866782 6611382
solaris_x86_10_64/ 56081155 2169640
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 4167234635 1528584
linuxR_x86/ 4167234635 1528584
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 814855951 884296
linuxS_x86/ 814855951 884296
rs6000_71/ 3459661185 1896266
solaris_x86_10_64/ 2468610258 962528
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2491318577 74328
linuxR_x86/ 2491318577 74328
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 140682247 43856
linuxS_x86/ 140682247 43856
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2843621510 459928
linuxR_x86/ 2843621510 459928
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 433854593 333264
linuxS_x86/ 433854593 333264
rs6000_71/ 3103326223 485311
solaris_x86_10_64/ 1375579093 359072
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3738263466 799336
linuxR_x86/ 3738263466 799336
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 2723067294 519440
linuxS_x86/ 2723067294 519440
rs6000_71/ 2403283823 2384907
solaris_x86_10_64/ 1856139216 518680
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 405359914 274480
linuxR_x86/ 405359914 274480
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 3634439438 168824
linuxS_x86/ 3634439438 168824
rs6000_71/ 1579120308 714328
solaris_x86_10_64/ 3226412497 166552
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 935340815 120624
linuxR_x86/ 935340815 120624
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 3568063647 82312
linuxS_x86/ 3568063647 82312
rs6000_71/ 2022271354 105400
solaris_x86_10_64/ 747433393 87560
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 730508306 262920
linuxR_x86/ 730508306 262920
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 699539406 114768
linuxS_x86/ 699539406 114768
rs6000_71/ 975579007 305068
solaris_x86_10_64/ 126952131 120560
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3304837409 793696
linuxR_x86/ 3304837409 793696
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 1259588300 653400
linuxS_x86/ 1259588300 653400
rs6000_71/ 2474414585 1088061
solaris_x86_10_64/ 3912448185 708432
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1359731029 565032
linuxR_x86/ 1359731029 565032
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 1925243941 375144
linuxS_x86/ 1925243941 375144
rs6000_71/ 1520912688 1379699
solaris_x86_10_64/ 3945405220 471608
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 94549518 298648
linuxR_x86/ 94549518 298648
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 312231600 133104
linuxS_x86/ 312231600 133104
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2404317585 116808
linuxR_x86/ 2404317585 116808
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 1768363474 70536
linuxS_x86/ 1768363474 70536
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 700975508 341504
linuxR_x86/ 700975508 341504
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 314584406 178064
linuxS_x86/ 314584406 178064
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 871742592 595456
linuxR_x86/ 871742592 595456
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 292104172 332384
linuxS_x86/ 292104172 332384
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1960083007 1249680
linuxR_x86/ 1960083007 1249680
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ 1967050278 995256
linuxS_x86/ 1967050278 995256
rs6000_71/ 3591596186 2045298
solaris_x86_10_64/ 620489443 1187224
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2969551482 515920
linuxR_x86/ 2969551482 515920
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3329302987 86928
linuxR_x86/ 3329302987 86928
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 836640403 121704
linuxR_x86/ 836640403 121704
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cata2map 2223396437 728056
linuxR_x86/cata2map 2223396437 728056
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/edit_fstab 3492718333 100312
linuxR_x86/edit_fstab 3492718333 100312
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/imgio_test 660797913 98376
linuxR_x86/imgio_test 660797913 98376
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/meta_tlog_dump 2830951164 100168
linuxR_x86/meta_tlog_dump 2830951164 100168
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refimage_util 2935637321 36368
linuxR_x86/refimage_util 2935637321 36368
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharecli 3696373755 357664
linuxR_x86/usharecli 3696373755 357664
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharedc 4294952880 5782976
linuxR_x86/usharedc 4294952880 5782976
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vmtools 2421790002 879464
linuxR_x86/vmtools 2421790002 879464
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_db 1781707142 159208
linuxR_x86/vpfs_db 1781707142 159208
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_metadump 3741344041 372344
linuxR_x86/vpfs_metadump 3741344041 372344
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_quota 2766360212 92176
linuxR_x86/vpfs_quota 2766360212 92176
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_repair 422883546 338272
linuxR_x86/vpfs_repair 422883546 338272
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_snap 4282313595 91008
linuxR_x86/vpfs_snap 4282313595 91008
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_systemload 3961911145 76440
linuxR_x86/vpfs_systemload 3961911145 76440
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsadm 1498563411 2788352
linuxR_x86/vpfsadm 1498563411 2788352
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsck 1506613861 492928
linuxR_x86/vpfsck 1506613861 492928
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfscld 1469104084 882888
linuxR_x86/vpfscld 1469104084 882888
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsd 657833251 2866728
linuxR_x86/vpfsd 657833251 2866728
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 62263980 17432
linuxR_x86/ 62263980 17432
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_mounts 81627429 35261
linuxR_x86/vpfs_mounts 81627429 35261
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3470167183 106024
linuxR_x86/ 3470167183 106024
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2318052793 440560
linuxR_x86/ 2318052793 440560
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 141735010 272768
linuxR_x86/ 141735010 272768
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 509162133 160936
linuxR_x86/ 509162133 160936
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2958062288 17584
linuxR_x86/ 2958062288 17584
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1382960526 1616328
linuxR_x86/ 1382960526 1616328
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 824679931 5514464
linuxR_x86/ 824679931 5514464
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1589507369 4441248
linuxR_x86/ 1589507369 4441248
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1201802953 753992
linuxR_x86/ 1201802953 753992
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3989121296 199936
linuxR_x86/ 3989121296 199936
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3250118814 969032
linuxR_x86/ 3250118814 969032
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3877730745 1804736
linuxR_x86/ 3877730745 1804736
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3226757425 330424
linuxR_x86/ 3226757425 330424
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2785334876 1006336
linuxR_x86/ 2785334876 1006336
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2655169452 39360
linuxR_x86/ 2655169452 39360
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 4196574433 402184
linuxR_x86/ 4196574433 402184
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1536068919 189928
linuxR_x86/ 1536068919 189928
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1078882220 75014
linuxR_x86/ 1078882220 75014
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1323065928 160112
linuxR_x86/ 1323065928 160112
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 4024733862 247000
linuxR_x86/ 4024733862 247000
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3146010724 78590
linuxR_x86/ 3146010724 78590
AMD64/dcr.dll 2853023983 1434624
AMD64/dct.dll 669169262 620032
AMD64/metab.dll 2720601272 266240
AMD64/mtstrmcl.dll 2932530796 1044992
AMD64/mtstrmco.dll 774873913 98304
AMD64/pd.dll 1894716509 48640
AMD64/pdvfs.dll 4207366980 484864
AMD64/libstspipd.dll 511366790 724992
AMD64/cacontrol.exe 2928977192 133120
AMD64/catdbutil.exe 577146014 2756608
AMD64/crcontrol.exe 3325348119 191488
AMD64/crstats.exe 2225662371 47616
AMD64/dcscan.exe 2117579812 3380224
AMD64/dedupecatutil.exe 2705065693 414208
AMD64/filedel.exe 856193417 23040
AMD64/fileget.exe 1822154186 32256
AMD64/fileput.exe 1993896324 37888
AMD64/keydictutil.exe 3804015681 413184
AMD64/mtstrmctl.exe 2416957639 1056256
AMD64/mtstrmd.exe 3104778323 1531904
AMD64/pdcfg.exe 3711237087 226304
AMD64/pddeDR.exe 2336549787 133120
AMD64/pddecfg.exe 2388544287 43008
AMD64/pdregister.exe 1648102348 349184
AMD64/refdbutil.exe 3268234329 3320320
AMD64/rep.dll 922414958 284672
AMD64/seedutil.exe 2719063860 61952
AMD64/sodupescanner.exe 1034017695 33792
AMD64/spad.exe 2217787389 3536896
AMD64/spadb.exe 2763688437 528384
AMD64/spauser.exe 830381951 592896
AMD64/splogscan.exe 3757953258 58368
AMD64/spoold.exe 2868408753 3278848
linuxR_x86/ 2549228967 284128
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 2549228967 284128
linuxR_x86/ 995527513 2157424
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 995527513 2157424
linuxR_x86/ 1394588351 168624
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1394588351 168624
linuxR_x86/ 1229511582 196064
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 1229511582 196064
linuxR_x86/ 3523791149 589816
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3523791149 589816
linuxR_x86/ 3720497297 1509896
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ 3720497297 1509896
linuxR_x86/spadb.ini 1711928932 6120
linuxR_x86/ 1452810108 5121


Recommended service state:

Stop all NetBackup services before applying this hotfix.

Se aplica a las siguientes versiones del producto

Actualizar archivos

Nombre del archivo Descripción Versión Plataforma Tamaño