How to install updates (hotfixes) to a Remote Agent for Linux Servers (RALUS) installation in Backup Exec

Artículo:: 100026866
Última publicación: 2022-11-07
Clasificaciones: 0 2
Producto(s): Backup Exec


Need to install a Backup Exec hotfix to a Remote Agent for Linux system.


Once Backup Exec Patches/Hotfixes/Feature Packs have been downloaded either automatically using the Veritas Update or manually from Veritas Downlaod website, the Ralus hotfixes are stored either in the "\Backup Exec\Agents" folder.  The hotfixes have the extension .tar.gz. 


I) In order to update the RALUS installation the following steps need to be followed:

Note: The hotfix needs to be copied to the Linux using "ftp" or any other Linux file transferring application and store it in a folder created for the occasion.  Do not extract the files from the .gz archive before copying the files to the Linux system.

1) By Default the RALUS Linux Agent hotfix files are located in \Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Agents folder.

2) The hotfix need to be extracted using the command  tar -zxvf hotfix-example.tar.gz  on the linux system.

3) The script    ./ should be run from inside the folder where the hotfix.tar.gz was expanded.

Note: RALUS agent hotfixes are cumulative.  There is no need to install all the hotfixes if there are more than one. Iinstall the most recent hotfix as it should contain all the updates from the previous hotfixes.


II) How to check if the RALUS remote agent was properly updated.

1) Inside the .tar.gz comes a file named  ralus.ver. This files will be copied by the installation to the folder /var/VRTSralus/ralus.ver. 

2) The ralus.ver version inside this file must be the same as the version in the ralus.ver contained in the .tar.gz hotfix file and most be the same as the "Version" string inside the beremote file in the /opt/VRTSralus/bin folder.

The string inside in the beremote can be reviewed by the following command.

# strings beremote | grep Version



Note: The Backup Exec RALUS agent install file (FULL Agent install) is located on the Backup Exec installation media in X:\UNIX folder. The Backup Exec installation media or ISO can be downloaded from the Veritas Support portal under Downloads.



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