How to install EEBs, HotFixes, Security Patches and Maintenance Releases on NetBackup Appliances

Artículo:: 100023444
Última publicación: 2023-03-22
Clasificaciones: 13 7
Producto(s): Appliances


This article describes how to install an Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB), a HotFix, security patch or Maintenance Release on NetBackup 52x0 and 53x0 appliances.

You should perform this procedure from a computer that has connectivity to the appliance.

To upload and install an appliance EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release using the appliance shell menu:

1. Open an ssh session and log on to the appliance as an administrator.

2. Enter the following command to open the NFS and the CIFS shares:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Open

3. Map or mount the appliance share directory as follows:

UNIX: Mount the following appliance NFS share: <appliance-name or IP>:/inst/patch/incoming

Windows: Map the following appliance CIFS share( and earlier): \\<appliance-name or IP>\incoming patches
Windows:  Map the following appliance  CIFS  share ( and later):    \\<appliance-name or IP>\incoming_patches 
(NOTE: Before submitting the Windows share, place a check in the box for 'Connect using different credentials' )
In the next window requesting the 'username',  use the format    '<appliance-name or IP>\admin'   and the admin corresponding password.

4. Copy the EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release from your local computer to the mapped directory.

5. Unmap or unmount the directory after you have successfully downloaded the EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release.

6. From the appliance, enter the following command to close the NFS and the CIFS shares:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Close

Once the EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release is downloaded on to the share directory that you defined in Step 2, it is moved to the proper location. You are not notified that this move has occurred. Make sure that you have run the Share Close command to ensure that you close the NFS and the CIFS shares.

7. Enter the following command to list the available EEBs/HotFixes/Maintenance Releases:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > List Downloaded

8. Enter the following command to install the release update:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Install <patch_name>

Here, <patch_name> is the name if the EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release that you want to install. You must make sure that the name you enter matches the EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release name that you have uploaded on the appliance. (For example:  NBAPP_EEB_ET<etnumber>-<appl ver>-<eebnumber>.x86_64.rpm)

NOTE: Depending on the EEB, before you proceed with the installation of an EEB/HotFix/Maintenance Release, you may need to ensure that there are no jobs running.

Once initiated, various information will be displayed about the EEB, including service state required for successful install and, optionally, any additional actions required by the user.

The operation is interactive and requires responses from the user before the binaries are installed.

Depending on the needs of the EEB, NetBackup Services may be shutdown prior to installation and re-started after install completes.

If the EEB is unable to install correctly, an error message will be displayed. 

To uninstall an EEB:

1.  Enter the following command to list the installed EEBs:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > List eebs

2. Enter the following command to uninstall the EEB:
Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Rollback <patch_name>

Note:  patch_name here should end in ‘.rpm’, even though ‘List eeb’ output does not include ‘.rpm’ at the end of the name.  For example:  NBAPP_EEB_ET1234567-

Once initiated, various information will be displayed about the EEB, including service state required for successful uninstall and, optionally, any additional actions required by the user.

The operation is interactive and requires responses from the user before the binaries are uninstalled.

Depending on the needs of the EEB, NetBackup Services may be shutdown prior to uninstallation and re-started after uninstall completes.

If the EEB is unable to uninstall correctly, an error message will be displayed. 


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