Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer

Artículo:: 100019405
Última publicación: 2023-06-14
Clasificaciones: 18 7
Producto(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


Instructions on using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer


Click Here to watch video demo of installing NBU Security Patch.

To install an Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB):

1.  Verify with Veritas Support the machine on which EEB is to be applied (master server, media server or client).  The deliverables, installation notes, and checksums can be viewed by running eebinstaller.<etrack>.<version>.<platform> -readme.

2.  Verify with Veritas Support that the appropriate processes or services have stopped before continuing.

3.  Copy the provided EEB installer ( eebinstaller.<etrack>.<version>.<platform>) to a temporary directory on the machine.

4.  Ensure that execute permissions are enabled on the installer.  It may be necessary to set File Properties (Windows) or use the chmod +x command (UNIX) before running the installer.

5.  From a command window, run the EEB installer from the temporary directory.  For example:
# ./eebinstaller.1322956.5.solaris

When running the EEB installer on Windows, make sure you right-click on the executable and choose "Run as administrator".
If you run the installer from a command prompt, be sure to launch the command prompt the same way prior to running the EEB installer.

6.  The first prompt of the EEB installer presents the Veritas Etrack and platform the binary is to applied to and the appropriate legal disclaimer.  Select y to continue:

This program performs an installation for files related to
PET#######, SET#######, EEB# on platform <platform>.


NOTE: These binaries are intended to help address a certain issue or enhance

a certain feature within the Veritas software for which these binaries were

created. They are intended solely for the recipient and must not be further

distributed to other parties, as they may not be generally available. Their

use is subject to the terms and conditions of your applicable Veritas license

and support agreements. They have not been fully tested by Veritas in all

environments, so please do not install these binaries unless instructed to

do so by Veritas.

Do you acknowledge this disclaimer?   [y,n] (y) y

7.    The default install location is /usr/openv for Unix and automatically determined by registry entries for Windows.  However, the install directory may be changed during the installation.  Select n to change the directory or y to continue.

This installer will use the following as the base installation directory:
 E:\Program Files\Veritas\

Is this the correct path?   [y,n] (y) y

8.  The next step in the installer display is the readme of the installer with the deliverables, additional notes, checksum of the file(s), and recommended service state.  Select y to continue.

Veritas Bug ID: #######
NetBackup_7.7.2 x64


Additional notes:

File checksum:
3001521270 487424 <binary.exe>

Recommended Service State:


Examples of recommended service state:

1) Shutdown all NetBackup services and then run this installer. Restart all services after the installation succeeds.

2) Shutdown NetBackup services listed in Additional Notes, if any, and then run this installer. Restart those services after the installation succeeds.

3) All NetBackup services can remain running.

Continue?  [y,n] (y) y

9.  Any running NetBackup process(es) on the system are displayed.  Exit and shut down the processes as directed by the installer and/or readme.

The following processes are running:
dbsrv9            384    0.000%         2:58.078  9.8M  10/27/08 13:27:38.828
bmrd              424    0.000%            0.531   14M  10/27/08 13:27:39.468
bpcompatd         708    0.000%            1.015  9.3M  10/27/08 13:27:44.046
bpinetd          1072    0.000%            1.562  4.9M  10/27/08 13:27:44.375

For example:

The installer has detected services are running when none should be.

Do you want to exit the install to shut down services?  WARNING:  Continuing without shutting down services could result in EEB failure and/or an unstable system.  [y,n] (y)


Is this process listing consistent with the readme notes and deliverables?   [y,n] (y) y

10. The installer checks the status of the files to be modified.

If a file has already been modified by another EEB, a message will be displayed:

File: <path>/<file> has already been modified by an EEB.

It contains static string: <string>

If this is a previous revision of the EEB you are attempting to install, it should be uninstalled before continuing.  Otherwise, contact Support for guidance.

IMPORTANT:  Any payload overlaps between EEBs can harm the system.  Previous versions of the same EEB should be uninstalled prior to installing any newer version.  If two EEBs overlap, only one EEB should be installed.  If both are needed, contact Veritas Support.

11. The installer extracts the binaries.

E:\Program Files\Veritas\<path>\\<binary.exe>

Installation complete.

Press Enter to exit

12.  Installation is complete.  

Note 1: The installation of the EEB is recorded in the following files:
  • pack.history : The installation steps are recorded in this file along with the parameters passed to the installer (logParams).
  • pack.summary (UNIX) or history.log (Windows)

Note 2 : Additional installation Notes for Windows 2008R2 Primary servers

There is a PowerShell environment setting called ExecutionPolicy. If that is set to Restricted, the installer may fail.

To prevent a failure, change ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned before running the installer.

For example:

  1. Launch Windows PowerShell.
  2. C:\>powershell
  3. Windows PowerShell
  4. Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  5. Set the PowerShell Execution Policy to RemoteSigned.
  6. PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  7. Now execute the eebinstaller program.

To uninstall an Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB):

1.  The EEB installer is saved in the following locations:
UNIX: /usr/openv/pack/EEB/NetBackup_<version>/PET#######_SET#######_EEB#_<platform>
Windows: <install_path>\VERITAS\Patch\EEB\NetBackup_<version>\PET#######_SET#######_EEB#_<platform>

2.  From the command line, cd to this directory.

3.  Run the installer with the -uninstall command line switch:
UNIX: # ./eebinstaller.<etrack>.<version>.<platform> -uninstall

Windows: <install_path>\eebinstaller.<etrack>.<version>.<platform> -uninstall

4.  The first prompt of the EEB uninstaller presents the Veritas Etrack and platform the binary is applied to and the appropriate legal disclaimer.  Select y to continue:

This program performs an uninstall by removing files related to
PET#######, SET#######, EEB# on platform <platform>.


NOTE: These binaries are intended to help address a certain issue or enhance

a certain feature within the Veritas software for which these binaries were

created. They are intended solely for the recipient and must not be further

distributed to other parties, as they may not be generally available. Their

use is subject to the terms and conditions of your applicable Veritas license

and support agreements. They have not been fully tested by Veritas in all

environments, so please do not install these binaries unless instructed to

do so by Veritas.

Do you acknowledge this disclaimer?   [y,n] (y) y

5.    The default installation location is /usr/openv for Unix and automatically determined by registry entries for Windows. However, the install location may be changed during the program.  Select n to change the directory or y to continue.

This installer will use the following as the base installation directory:
 E:\Program Files\Veritas\

Is this the correct path?   [y,n] (y) y
6.  The next step in the installer is display of the readme of the uninstaller with the deliverables, additional notes, checksum of the file(s), and recommended service state.  Select y to continue.

Veritas Bug ID: #######
NetBackup_7.7.2 x64


Additional notes:

File checksum:
3001521270 487424 <binary>

Continue?  [y,n] (y) y

Recommended Service State:


Examples of recommended Service States:

1) Shutdown all NetBackup services and then run this installer. Restart all services after the installation succeeds.

2) Shutdown NetBackup services listed in Additional Notes, if any, and then run this installer. Restart those services after the installation succeeds.

3) All NetBackup services can remain running.


7.  Any running NetBackup process on the system are displayed.  Exit and shut down the processes as directed by the installer and/or readme.

The following processes are running:
dbsrv9            384    0.000%         2:58.078  9.8M  10/27/08 13:27:38.828
bmrd              424    0.000%            0.531   14M  10/27/08 13:27:39.468
bpcompatd         708    0.000%            1.015  9.3M  10/27/08 13:27:44.046
bpinetd          1072    0.000%            1.562  4.9M  10/27/08 13:27:44.375

For example:

The installer has detected services are running when none should be.

Do you want to exit the install to shut down services?  WARNING:  Continuing without shutting down services could result in EEB failure and/or an unstable system.  [y,n] (y)


Is this process listing consistent with the Readme notes and deliverables? (so EEBinstaller can continue without shutting down services?)   [y,n] (y) y

8. The uninstaller then removes the binaries.

      E:\Program Files\Veritas\<path>\\<binary>
Cleaning up the uninstallation files

Uninstallation complete.

Usage statement for the EEB installer:
Other command line switches for the installer can be displayed by using the -help (or -h) command line switch:
# ./eebinstaller.#######.#.xxxxxxx -help
USAGE: eebinstaller -help | -h | -readme | -r | -disclaimer | [-extractonly PATH] [-force]
      eebinstaller [-force] [-create]
      eebinstaller -uninstall [-force]
 -h                  : Display this help
 -r                  : Display the readme information and exit
 -disclaimer         : Display the legal disclaimer and exit
 -force              : NOT RECOMMENDED. Install files without prompting and limited

                       output. May overwrite an existing EEB.The [un]install will

                                              happen regardless of running processes!

-create             : Create files that do not exist

 -extractonly [PATH] : extract the files without installing,
                       using PATH as the base folder, or the
                       current directory if PATH is absent
 -uninstall          : Uninstall the EEB. Not supported for SQL EEBs.


EEB install and uninstall when using nbcmdrun as a non-root CLI user

  • In this mode user can install/uninstall EEBs in primary server through nbcmdrun wrapper CLI and use regular vxupdate method for media/client.
  • nbcmdrun uses vxupdate utility (nbinstallagent) to support these use cases.
  • It only accepts veritas signed package with sja format. And package path should be accessible to non-root CLI user.
  • To access nbinstallagent log we need to use nbcplogs to extract log in non root CLI user context.
  • Installation process can not be stopped once initiated successfully.
  • Re-login required after installation/uninstallation process complete.
  • Command for installing EEB.
    • nbcmdrun nbinstallagent  -i / --install <sja package name> <package path> --create
  • Command for uninstalling EEB. 
    • nbcmdrun nbinstallagent  -d / --delete-eeb <sja package name> <package path> --create


Example of EEB installation through nbcmdrun

nbcmdrun nbinstallagent -i nbeeb.server_4106814.1_10.2_redhat_x64.sja /home/cli_user/10.2/ --create

All NetBackup services will be restarted.
Do you want to continue(y/n)y
Check the progress file: [/home/cli_user/eeb_install_progress_24181_03_08_23.log]

  • Command will return immediately and progress file can be used to track the installation progress.

Example of EEB uninstallation through nbcmdrun

nbcmdrun nbinstallagent -d nbeeb.server_4106814.1_10.2_redhat_x64.sja /home/cli_user/10.2/ --create

All NetBackup services will be restarted.
Do you want to continue(y/n)y
Check the progress file: [/home/cli_user/eeb_install_progress_24492_03_08_23.log]

  • Command will return immediately and progress file can be used to track the installation progress.

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