How to use the SGMON utility to perform a live debug of Backup Exec

How to use the SGMON utility to perform a live debug of Backup Exec

Artículo:: 100017069
Última publicación: 2022-05-23
Clasificaciones: 3 1
Producto(s): Backup Exec


How to use the SGMON utility to perform a live debug of Backup Exec


SGMON.EXE is a debug tool used to view active debugging information. SGMON can be used to monitor some parts of the Backup Exec (tm) activity that other logging methods do not monitor.

To enable SGMON.EXE, do the following:

1. Locate and run SGMON.EXE
Note: By default, it is located in \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec
                                                     \Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec

- or -
Run SGMON from Backup Exec console > Backup Exec icon > [Technical Support] > [Collect debug output]. (Figure 1)

Figure 1.


2. Go to [Edit] tab and click [Clear Log]. (Figure 2)

This erases the old log file and reduces the size of the log file that need to be uploaded.

Figure 2.


3. (Optional) Go to [Debug] tab and click [Settings].

In [Log Settings] pain, select [Log file size rollover threshold] and [Delete logs older than] (Figure 3)

Figure 3.


4. Go to [Debug] tab and select the processes which need to be debugged.  (Figure 4)

5. Select the [Capture To File] option to enable SGMON to output the information to the screen.

To output the information to a file, select [Capture to File]. This will output the information to a file located under Program Files\Veritas or Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\<Server Name>-SGMON.log. (Figure 4)

Figure 4.

6. Run the job or installation procedure in question from Backup Exec to generate the debug log in SGMON.EXE.

Caution: Make sure SGMON is open while troubleshooting the problem.


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