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Enterprise Vault™ PST Migration
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.5)
- About this guide
- Introduction to PST migration
- PST file ownership
- PST migration: scripted
- PST migration: wizard-assisted
- PST migration: Locate and Migrate
- Setting up PST Locate and Migrate
- Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate
- PST migration: client-driven migration
- About client-driven PST migration
- Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration
Output from PST migration
When you run Policy Manager with an initialization file containing a [PSTdefaults] section, Policy Manager automatically writes a new initialization file that contains details of any problems that it found.
The new initialization file has the following features:
There is a [PSTcheckpoint] section at the top of the file, summarizing the results of the run.
If you had been using process mode then the following apply:
All [PST] sections for files that were processed successfully are commented out.
There is a JobStatus entry in each [PST] section, indicating for that file, either success or the type of error that occurred.