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Enterprise Vault™ PST Migration
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.3)
- About this guide
- Introduction to PST migration
- PST file ownership
- PST migration: scripted
- PST migration: wizard-assisted
- PST migration: Locate and Migrate
- Setting up PST Locate and Migrate
- Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate
- PST migration: client-driven migration
- About client-driven PST migration
- Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration
Using Add-EVPstFile
Use the following syntax when you run Add-EVPstFile:
Add-EVPstFile -UNCPath <string> [-Mailbox <string>] [-Archive <string>] [-ArchiveType <string>] [-RetentionCategory <string>] [-PasswordProtected] [-Language <string>] [-Priority <string>] [-SiteName <string>] [-DirectoryServer <string>]
For example:
C:\PS>Add-EVPstFile -UNCPath \\FileServer1\UserShares\VIPs\JohnDoe\PSTs\2012.pst
This adds the specified PST file for migration to Enterprise Vault.