Veritas NetBackup™ Plug-in for VMware vSphere Web Client Guide
- Introduction and notes
- Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
- Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards
- Excluding virtual disks from the backup
- Monitoring backup status
- Restoring virtual machines
- NetBackup Recovery Wizard screens
- NetBackup Instant Recovery Wizard screens
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Instant recovery operations
- Appendix B. Installing the vSphere Web Client plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host
The message NoPermission appears during plug-in installation
Reducing the load time for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
The NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client does not find any backup images in the listed events
The NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client does not find a particular backup image
Instant recovery-ready backup images are not available for selection
The vCenter server and NetBackup master server names are not available for search
Virtual machine display name conflicts are not shown before the pre-recovery check
Too much time taken to populate the list of NetBackup master servers
The NetBackup plug-in is not shown in the vSphere Web Client interface even after registration
Error stack displayed in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
Troubleshooting master server communication failures in the plug-in's Recovery Portal