Veritas NetBackup™ Plug-in for VMware vSphere Web Client Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)
  1. Introduction and notes
      About the NetBackup plug-in for VMware vSphere Web Client
      Notes on the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      How to access the features of the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Updates to this guide for NetBackup 8.1.2
  2. Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Requirements for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Using consistent vCenter naming with the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      vCenter privileges for managing NetBackup plug-in installation
      Notes on using the plug-in in a VMware Platform Services Controller (PSC) environment
      Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Upgrading the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Disabling the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Uninstalling the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
    9. Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards
        Configuring ports for the NetBackup Web Services
        Port usage for the NetBackup vSphere Web Client Plug-in
        Creating an authentication token for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
        Authorizing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client to restore virtual machines
        Setting vCenter privileges for recovering virtual machines with the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
        Adding or deleting an additional host name or IP address for an authentication token
        Revoking an authorization token for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
        Renewing an authorization token
        Listing all current authentication tokens for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
        Permissions on the NetBackup vSphere Web Client plug-in authentication token file may need to be changed
  3. Excluding virtual disks from the backup
      About excluding virtual disks from the backup
      Setting the exclude disks Custom Attribute
  4. Monitoring backup status
      vCenter privileges for backup monitoring
      Veritas NetBackup tab in vSphere Web Client
      Summary display (in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client)
      Virtual Machines display (in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client)
      Events display (in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client)
      Using the Veritas NetBackup tab for backup reporting (in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client)
      How to respond to backup status with the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
  5. Restoring virtual machines
      Configuring settings for the virtual machine recovery
      Notes on the NetBackup recovery wizards in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      How to access the NetBackup Recovery Wizards in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
    4. NetBackup Recovery Wizard screens
        Virtual Machine Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Image Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Destination Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Transport Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Disk Provision screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Virtual Machine Options screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Network Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
        Pre-Recovery Check screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)
    5. NetBackup Instant Recovery Wizard screens
        Selecting virtual machines for instant recovery
        Selecting backup images for instant recovery
        Selecting the destination for instant recovery
        Setting virtual machine options for instant recovery
        Reviewing instant recovery settings
      Cleaning the recovery environment and releasing the NetBackup resources
  6. Troubleshooting
      The message NoPermission appears during plug-in installation
      Reducing the load time for the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      A NetBackup master server is not available in the master server list when searching for VMs for instant recovery
      The NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client does not find any backup images in the listed events
      The NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client does not find a particular backup image
      Mismatch in vCenter server name (uppercase vs. lowercase letters) causes the VMware connectivity test to fail
      IR operation is not complete due to NFS mount limit exceed
      Instant recovery-ready backup images are not available for selection
      The vCenter server and NetBackup master server names are not available for search
      Preferred IR-destination options are not saved
      Virtual machine display name conflicts are not shown before the pre-recovery check
      Reasons for failure of pre-recovery checks
      Too much time taken to populate the list of NetBackup master servers
      The NetBackup plug-in is not shown in the vSphere Web Client interface even after registration
      Correct NetBackup master server does not show up for selection for a given vCenter server on the IR wizard
      Error stack displayed in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
      Troubleshooting master server communication failures in the plug-in's Recovery Portal
  7. Appendix A. Instant recovery operations
      Instant recovery events for non-available virtual machines
      Best practices for instant recovery operations
  8. Appendix B. Installing the vSphere Web Client plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host
      Installing the vSphere Web Client plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host (web server)

Virtual Machine Options screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client)

Click the check boxes to select the recovery options for the virtual machine.

Figure: Virtual Machine Options screen in the NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client

Virtual Machine Options screen in the NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client

Table: Fields in the Virtual Machine Options screen



Restore BIOS UUID xxx instead of creating a new UUID

Retains the UUID of the original virtual machine (note that the UUID is a globally unique identifier). The virtual machine is restored with the same UUID that it had before the restore.

Note the following:

  • If a virtual machine with the same display name but with a different UUID exists at the target restore location, the restore fails. You must either delete the existing virtual machine and run the restore, or keep the existing virtual machine and abandon the restore.

  • If you do not want to keep the existing virtual machine, you can do one of the following: Remove the existing virtual machine, or log into the ESXi server and remove the directory where the virtual machine resides.

Restore Instance UUID xxx instead of creating a new UUID

Retains the Instance UUID of the original virtual machine (note that the Instance UUID is a vCenter specific unique identifier of a virtual machine). The virtual machine is restored with the same Instance UUID that it had when it was backed up.

If the restore of the virtual machine is to a standalone ESXi host, this option is disabled.

If a virtual machine with the same Instance UUID exists at the target restore location, a message appears that the UUID is used already. In this case, the original instance UUID is not restored and a new UUID is assigned for the virtual machine.

Overwrite existing virtual machine

If a virtual machine with the same display name exists at the destination, that virtual machine must be deleted before the restore begins. Otherwise, the restore fails. Select this option to have the virtual machine deleted.

Remove backing information for devices like DVD/CD-ROM drives, serial or parallel ports

If a virtual machine had an ISO file that was mounted on a CD when the virtual machine was backed up, note: The ISO file must be available on the target ESX server when you restore the virtual machine. If the ISO file is not available on the ESX server, the restore fails.

This option restores the virtual machine without restoring an ISO file that was mounted when the virtual machine was backed up.

Remove tag associations

When this option is selected, NetBackup does not restore tag associations when it restores the virtual machine. If this option is not selected, NetBackup attempts to restore all tag associations from the backup.

If NetBackup cannot restore one or more of the tag associations, the restore exits with a NetBackup status code 1.

Power on virtual machine after recovery

The recovered virtual machine is automatically turned on when the recovery is complete.

Retain original hardware version

This option restores the virtual machine with its original hardware version (such as 4). It retains the original version even if the target ESXi server by default uses a later hardware version (such as 7 or 8).

If this option is disabled, the restored virtual machine is converted to the default hardware version that the ESXi server uses.

See Network Selection screen (NetBackup Recovery Wizard for vSphere Web Client).