Veritas NetBackup™ Plug-in for VMware vSphere Web Client Guide
- Introduction and notes
- Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
- Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards
- Excluding virtual disks from the backup
- Monitoring backup status
- Restoring virtual machines
- NetBackup Recovery Wizard screens
- NetBackup Instant Recovery Wizard screens
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Instant recovery operations
- Appendix B. Installing the vSphere Web Client plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host
Notes on the NetBackup recovery wizards in the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
Use the Veritas NetBackup
to restore a virtual machine from its NetBackup image. You can restore the virtual machine to its original location or to a different location.Use the Veritas NetBackup
to instantly restore virtual machine backup images. With instant recovery, you can immediately restore a virtual machine into your production environment. Instant virtual machine recovery helps improve recovery time objectives (RTO) and minimizes disruption and downtime of the production VMs.Note the following about the NetBackup plug-in's recovery wizards:
For the pre-requisites for using the recovery wizards:
See Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards.
The recovery wizards are an optional feature of the plug-in. They are not required for monitoring virtual machine backups.
The NetBackup Recovery Wizard is for recovery of an entire virtual machine, not for recovery of individual files. To recover individual files from the virtual machine backup, use the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. Or use the plug-in's Instant Recovery Wizard to boot the virtual machine instantly and access the files.
See also: "About restore of individual files" and "Restoring individual files" in the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.
The recovery wizards do not support recovery of vCloud Director backup images. To recover virtual machines into vCloud Director, use the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore interface.
See the "Use NetBackup for vCloud Director" chapter in the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.
You can also perform VM recovery and instant recovery using the nbrestorevm command. For more information, refer to the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide and the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
See Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards.
See Authorizing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client to restore virtual machines.