Veritas NetBackup™ Plug-in for VMware vSphere Web Client Guide
- Introduction and notes
- Installing the NetBackup plug-in for vSphere Web Client
- Configuration overview for the NetBackup Recovery and Instant Recovery Wizards
- Excluding virtual disks from the backup
- Monitoring backup status
- Restoring virtual machines
- NetBackup Recovery Wizard screens
- NetBackup Instant Recovery Wizard screens
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. Instant recovery operations
- Appendix B. Installing the vSphere Web Client plug-in from a NetBackup media server and plug-in package host
Adding or deleting an additional host name or IP address for an authentication token
The manageClientCerts command generates an authentication token for a specific vCenter. The token gives the vCenter access to the NetBackup master server where the token was generated. The token works if the vCenter's host name or DNS name is identical to the name that was entered on the manageClientCerts command.
For some environments, it may be necessary to allow the token to work with additional host names or IP addresses. An example is a multi-homed vCenter on multiple networks. Another example is a vCenter that uses Network Address Translation (NAT). In these cases, the request for access to the NetBackup master may come from a host name or IP address that was not specified when the token was generated.
To allow access to NetBackup from such environments, you can use the manageClientCerts command to do the following:
Add another host name (or IP address) of the vCenter server for the existing token. The added host name or IP address is referred to as an alias. You can add multiple aliases for a token.
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
Delete a host name or IP address from a token.
Allow the token to be used on any vCenter server.
List existing aliases for a token.
The manageClientCerts command is in the following location:
UNIX, Linux
Table: Add a host name or IP address for an existing authentication token
Task | Enter the following on the NetBackup master server: |
Add a host name | manageClientCerts -addAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -HOST additional_host_name_for_token Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated, and additional_host_name_for_token is the additional host name of the vCenter server. For example: manageClientCerts -addAlias vCenter1 -HOST Command output: Successful -addAlias, for client: vCenter1, type: HOST, alias: In this example, the added host name is Note: You can add multiple host names for a token. Add one host name for each instance of manageClientCerts. |
Add an IP address or range of IP addresses | manageClientCerts -addAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -IP IP_address_for_token | IP_address_with_netmask_for_token Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated. The IP address to add can be a single address (IP_address_for_token) or a range of addresses (IP_address_with_netmask_for_token). For example: To add a single IP address: manageClientCerts -addAlias vCenter1 -IP To add a range of IP addresses using a netmask: manageClientCerts -addAlias vCenter1 -IP In this example, allows 6 hosts with IP addresses from to to use the same token. Note: For a range of IP addresses, manageClientCerts supports IP net masking, sometimes called Classless Inter-Domain Routing notation (CIDR). Note: You can add multiple IP addresses for a token. If not adding a range of addresses, add one IP address for each instance of manageClientCerts. Note: IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. |
Allow the token to operate with any host | manageClientCerts -addAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -ANY Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated. -ANY allows any host or any IP address to communicate with the NetBackup server by means of this token. Caution: Use the -ANY option with care. Allowing any host to use the token may introduce a security risk. |
Table: Remove a host name or IP address from an existing authentication token
Task | Enter the following on the NetBackup master server: |
Delete a host name | manageClientCerts -deleteAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -HOST host_name_to_delete Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated, and host_name_to_delete is the name to be removed. |
Delete an IP address | manageClientCerts -deleteAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -IP IP_address_to_delete Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated, and IP_address_to_delete is the IP address to be removed. |
Delete the -ANY option | manageClientCerts -deleteAlias host_name_used_to_generate_token -ANY Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated. The -ANY option is removed from the token. If particular aliases (host names or IP addresses) had been added for the token, those aliases remain in force. |
Table: List the host names or IP addresses (aliases) that have been defined for a token
Task | Enter the following on the NetBackup master server: |
List host names or IP addresses (aliases) | manageClientCerts -listAliases host_name_used_to_generate_token Where host_name_used_to_generate_token is the host name that was specified when the token was generated. For example: manageClientCerts -listAliases vCenter1 Command output: Aliases for vCenter1: HOST = In this example, the alias is If the token was set with the -ANY option (to accept connections from any host or any IP address), the -listAliases output is the following: Aliases for vCenter1: HOST = * |
Further assistance is available:
See Troubleshooting master server communication failures in the plug-in's Recovery Portal.