Enterprise Vault™ Setting up IMAP

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Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.2)

Defining IMAP and SMTP endpoints

To support IMAP connections from the users you enable for IMAP access, you must define IMAP endpoints and SMTP endpoints.


IMAP endpoints determine the configuration of an IMAP server that is hosted on an Enterprise Vault server, to provide IMAP access to users' archives. SMTP endpoints contain the connection details that IMAP users require to connect to SMTP servers in your environment. Enterprise Vault does not provide an SMTP server for users of Enterprise Vault IMAP access.

An IMAP endpoint determines the configuration information for an IMAP server that runs on an Enterprise Vault server to accept connections from IMAP clients and devices. There must be one IMAP endpoint for each Enterprise Vault server you want to run an IMAP server.

Table: IMAP endpoint configuration items lists the items that you must configure for each IMAP endpoint.

Table: IMAP endpoint configuration items

Configuration item


Endpoint name

A descriptive name that identifies the IMAP endpoint.

Alias name

The DNS alias, host name, or fully qualified domain name for an Enterprise Vault server. This should be the Enterprise Vault server with which you plan to associate the IMAP endpoint.

Port number

The port number on which the server will listen for IMAP requests.

By default, this is port 993 (IMAPS). If you allow unencrypted connections to the IMAP server, consider that you might have to change the port number to 143 (IMAP).

Allow unencrypted connections option

By default, this option is selected so that the IMAP server requires encrypted connections. Clear this option if you want to allow unencrypted connections to the IMAP server. Note that unencrypted connections allow plain text passwords to be sent in IMAP requests.


Do not allow unencrypted connections except in a secure network.


If you do not choose to allow unencrypted connections, you must add SSL certificate and key files.

An SMTP endpoint contains the configuration information that IMAP users require to connect to an existing SMTP server in your environment, such as an Exchange SMTP server. There must be one SMTP endpoint for each SMTP server on which you want to allow connections by your IMAP users.

Table: SMTP endpoint configuration items lists the items that you must configure for each SMTP endpoint.

Table: SMTP endpoint configuration items

Configuration item


Endpoint name

A descriptive name that identifies the SMTP endpoint.

SMTP server

The DNS alias, host name, or fully qualified domain name for the SMTP server.

Port number

The port number on which the SMTP server accepts connections.

Use encrypted connection (STARTTLS) option

By default, this option is selected so that communications with the SMTP server are encrypted using STARTTLS. Clear this option if you want to allow unencrypted communications.


Do not allow unencrypted connections except in a secure network.

SMTP server requires authentication option

Select this option if the SMTP server requires client devices to authenticate.

Sender email address for notifications

The reply-to address that will be used in the notification messages that are sent when the client access provisioning task provisions users.

SMTP server credentials

Select one of the following SMTP server credentials options:

  • Connect anonymously. Select this option if the SMTP server accepts anonymous connections. You can select this option only if you have cleared the SMTP server requires authentication option.

  • Use the network credentials the client access provisioning task is running under. If you select this option, remember to configure the SMTP server to accept the credentials.

  • Use the following credentials. Select this option to use any other credentials to connect to the SMTP server, then enter the appropriate user name and password.

To define IMAP and SMTP endpoints

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand your Enterprise Vault site.
  2. Expand the Client Access container.
  3. Right-click IMAP, and click Properties.
  4. Use the IMAP Properties dialog box to create IMAP and SMTP endpoints, providing the information that is described in Table: IMAP endpoint configuration items and Table: SMTP endpoint configuration items.