Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Release Notes

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (5.3)
Platform: NetBackup Appliance OS

About the current release content

This release incorporates fixes to several known issues that existed with the NetBackup Appliance software.


This chapter contains only the fixes that are exclusive to NetBackup Appliance. The NetBackup Appliance 5.3 release also contains all of the fixes that are included in NetBackup 10.3. For a complete listing of the NetBackup 10.3 fixes, refer to the NetBackup 10.3 Release Notes on the Veritas Support website.

When an appliance is released, the latest version of NetBackup is used as a basis on which the appliance code is built. That ensures that all applicable features, enhancements, and fixes that were released within NetBackup are included in the latest release of the appliance.

NetBackup software version 10.3 is included with the NetBackup appliance 5.3 release. Information about the new features, enhancements, and fixes found in NetBackup 10.3 can be found in the NetBackup 10.3 Release Notes document on the Veritas Support website:

Click on the following link to access the latest compatibility lists for the NetBackup Appliance and NetBackup: