Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Administrator's Guide
- Overview
- About accessing the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About appliance console components
- Monitoring the NetBackup appliance
- About hardware monitoring and alerts
- About Symantec Data Center Security on the NetBackup appliance
- Managing a NetBackup appliance from the NetBackup Appliance Web Console
- About storage configuration
- About Copilot functionality and Share management
- About viewing storage space information using the Show command
- About appliance supported tape devices
- About configuring Host parameters for your appliance
- Manage > Appliance Restore
- Manage > Appliance License
- About the Migration Utility
- Software release updates for NetBackup Appliances
- About installing EEBs
- About installing NetBackup Administration Console and client software
- Manage > Additional Servers
- Manage > High Availability
- Managing NetBackup appliance using the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
- About OpenStorage plugin installation
- About mounting a remote NFS
- About running NetBackup commands from the appliance
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- Creating a NetBackup touch file from the NetBackup appliance
- Creating NetBackup administrator user accounts
- About NetBackup administrator capabilities
- About Auto Image Replication between appliances
- About forwarding logs to an external server
- About high availability configuration
- Understanding the NetBackup appliance settings
- Settings > Notifications
- Settings > Network
- Settings > Authentication
- About configuring user authentication
- About authorizing NetBackup appliance users
- Settings > Authentication > LDAP
- Settings > Authentication > Active Directory
- Settings > Authentication > User Management
- Troubleshooting
- Deduplication pool catalog backup and recovery
About the Migration Utility
The Migration Utility lets you migrate backup images from source disk pool to destination disk pool. The original backup images remain on the source disk pool after the migration completes.
The backup images can be either full or all. A valid source disk pool is any recognized disk pool in the same domain. A valid target disk pool can be any Veritas NetBackup disk pool. You can create a migration task on any appliance within the same domain. However, Veritas recommends that you configure a migration task from a NetBackup appliance primary server.
With this feature, you can do the following:
Copy all backup images or only full backup images from source storage disk pool to destination storage disk pool.
Schedule a migration task and run it on multiple days.
Backup image migration without affecting existing backup schedules.
Update policies during the migration process so new backup images automatically go to the new storage.
The Migration Utility feature is applicable with the following conditions:
Images available for migration are the latest complete backup images for a specific policy-client pair.
The image type has two options: All backup images and Last full backup images. Select to migrate full and incremental backup images. Select to migrate last full backup images.
The latest complete backup only includes complete images and storage lifecycle complete images.
The migration can be performed from an MSDP to another MSDP through the Fibre Channel.
Before you start the migration utility, make sure that you have the logon credentials. Go to the Media and Device Management > Credentials > Storage Servers > Media Servers window in the NetBackup Administration Console. Check the boxes next to the media servers that are used for your migration task. You cannot perform a migration task unless these credentials have been selected. For more information, refer to the NetBackup Administrator Guide.
A four-step wizard enables you to schedule a migration task to migrate your backup images automatically. After you complete the migration task configuration, you are able to check details in the migration status table.
Click Manage > Migration Utility, the following page appears:
The Manage > Migration Utility page enables you to configure and view the following:
Migration utility wizard
Migration Status page
Configuring a new migration task
Viewing the migration task status
Best practices for migration utility