Veritas NetBackup™ Replication Director Solutions Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2, 8.1.1)
  1. Introduction
      About NetBackup Replication Director
      About the roles of the Replication Director plug-ins
      Software required to use Replication Director
      NetBackup configuration for Replication Director
      Tools for troubleshooting Replication Director
  2. Additional configuration topics
      Configuring the NetBackup Client Service
      NetBackup naming conventions
      How to configure a multi-NIC environment
  3. Creating a NetBackup storage server for snapshot replication
      Creating a NetBackup storage server for snapshot replication
      Updating an OpenStorage storage server to reflect plug-in updates
      Adding the storage server credentials to a NetBackup server
  4. Configuring disk pools for snapshot and replication
    1. About disk pools for snapshots and snapshot replication
        About disk volumes for snapshots and snapshot replication
      Creating disk pools for snapshot replication
      Updating disk pools after volumes are added, are deleted, or are changed
      Updating an OpenStorage disk pool to reflect plug-in updates
      How to resolve snapshot disk volume changes
    6. Using bpstsinfo to view the replication topology of a device
        NetApp storage server sample bpstsinfo output
  5. Configuring storage units and storage unit groups for snapshots and snapshot replication
      Creating storage units for a Replication Director configuration
      Creating storage unit groups for snapshots
  6. Configuring storage lifecycle policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
      About configuring storage lifecycle policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
      Creating a storage lifecycle policy for snapshots and snapshot replication
    3. Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy
      1. Snapshot operation in an SLP
          Primary snapshot storage unit
          Primary + Replication source snapshot storage unit
          Replication source + Replication target snapshot storage unit
          Replication target snapshot storage unit
          Replication source + Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage unit
          Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage unit
        Replication operation in an SLP
      3. Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP
          Determining where and when the Index From Snapshot operation occurs
          Pre-requisites for indexing for an NDMP policy
          Configuring indexing for an NDMP policy
        Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP
        Duplication operation in an SLP
    4. Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations
        Expire after copy retention type for SLP operations
        Fixed retention type for SLP operations
        Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations
        Mirror retention type for SLP operations
        Target retention type for SLP operations
  7. Configuring backup policies for snapshots and snapshot replication
      About configuring a backup policy for Replication Director
      Configuring an NDMP policy to protect a NAS host
      Configuring a Standard or MS-Windows policy to protect clients using NDMP with Data Mover
      Configuring a Standard or MS-Windows policy to protect NAS volumes or SAN-connected devices
    5. About NDMP support for Replication Director
        Limitations of Replication Director with NDMP
        Authorizing NetBackup access to a NAS (NDMP) host
        Configuring an NDMP policy in a multi-network environment
  8. Restoring from a snapshot
      About restores from array-based snapshots
      Restoring files and folders from an array-based snapshot
    3. About restores from array-based snapshots of virtual machines
        Restoring files from array-based snapshots of virtual machines
      Using OpsCenter to restore from array-based snapshots
      How NetApp performs a volume-level rollback restore
      Restoring (rolling back) from an array-based snapshot
  9. OpsCenter reporting
      Veritas OpsCenter reporting
      Configuring an alert for OpenStorage events
      Storage lifecycle policy reporting
      Disk pool monitoring
      Monitoring snapshot replication jobs
      Reporting on storage units, storage unit groups, and storage lifecycle policies
  10. Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
      Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
    2. Supported NetApp topologies
        NetApp topologies that Replication Director does not support
    3. Using NetApp Data ONTAP 7-mode with Replication Director
        Configuration overview: NetApp 7-Mode with Replication Director
        Licenses required for NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode with Replication Director
        Software required to use NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode with Replication Director
      4. About using NetApp SAN-connected storage with Replication Director
          Using SnapDrive for iSCSI setup on Windows
          SAN-connected storage limitations
        If the OnCommand Unified Manager root or administrator password has changed
        Considerations when configuring an OnCommand Unified Manager as a NetBackup storage server
        Importing existing NetApp relationships for NetBackup control
        Enabling Unicode and language settings on NetApp disk arrays
    4. Using NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
        Configuration overview: NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
        Licenses required for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
        Software required to use NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
        Configuring Replication Director to work with Clustered Data ONTAP
        About creating backup policies for Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
        Protecting volumes with nested junctions for Clustered Data ONTAP
        Limitations to using Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director
  11. Using Oracle with Replication Director
      Requirements for Oracle support
    2. About Oracle support for Replication Director
        Configuring an Oracle Intelligent Policy
        Configuring a script- or template-based Oracle policy
  12. Using Virtual Machines with Replication Director
      Requirements for virtual machine support
    2. About virtual machines and Replication Director
        Notes on Replication Director for virtual machines
        Configuring a policy for virtual machines to use Replication Director
        About jobs in the Activity Monitor that use Replication Director for virtual machines
  13. Terminology
      Replication terminology

About creating backup policies for Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director

Keep in mind the following considerations when you configure backup policies for Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director.

Table: Backup policies for Clustered Data ONTAP

Policy type



For a Standard policy, make sure that the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) can resolve the NetBackup client's host name by running the following command on the cluster shell:

network ping -lif-owner vserver -lif lif-name -destination NetBackup-client

When you create a mount point, you should keep the following in mind:

  • If the SVM name is used to create a mount point for a volume that is exported by an SVM on the NetBackup client, you should enter the name of the SVM exactly as the OnCommand Unified Manager sees it. If the SVM name in the OnCommand Unified Manager is a fully qualified domain name, you must use the SVM's fully qualified domain name when you create the mount point. The name is case-sensitive.

  • Alternatively, you can use the IP address of the SVM LIF to specify a mount point instead of the SVM name.

Consider the following examples:

  • When you create a mount point on the NetBackup client for volume "vol_nfs" that is exported by an SVM named "vs1", the nfs volume name must be specified as "vs1:/vol_nfs".

    You would use the command "mount vs1:/vol_nfs /mnt/vol_nfs".

    If you specify the nfs volume name as "VS1:/vol_nfs" or "" then the snapshot job fails.

  • When you create a mount point on the NetBackup client for volume "vol_nfs2" that is exported by an SVM named "", the nfs volume name must be specified as "".

    You would use the command "mount /mnt/vol_nfs2".

    If you specify the nfs volume name as "" or "VS2:/vol_nfs2" then the snapshot job fails.

  • When you create a mount point on the NetBackup client for volume "vol_nfs3" that is exported by an SVM with the LIF "", the nfs volume name must be specified as "".

    You would use the command "mount /mnt/vol_nfs3".

See Configuring a Standard or MS-Windows policy to protect NAS volumes or SAN-connected devices.


Replication Director for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP supports NAS only at this time.


For a MS-Windows policy, make sure that clocks are in sync for the following: the domain controller that is used for the Storage Virtual Machine's (SVM) CIFS server and the cluster hosting the SVM.

Make sure that the NetBackup Client Service and the NetBackup Legacy Client Service are running under an account which has read and write access to the shares that the SVM exports.

When you create a mount point, you should keep the following in mind:

  • If the SVM name is used to specify a share that is exported by an SVM in a policy, you should enter the name of the SVM exactly as the OnCommand Unified Manager sees it. If the SVM name in the OnCommand Unified Manager is a fully qualified domain name, you must use the SVM's fully qualified domain name when you create the mount point. The name is case-sensitive.

  • Alternatively, you can use the IP address of the SVM LIF to specify a share instead of the SVM name.

Consider the following examples:

  • When you select a share "vol_cifs" that is exported by an SVM named "vs1" as a backup selection, the selection must be entered as "\\vs1\vol_cifs".

    If you enter the backup selection as "\\VS1\vol_cifs" or \\\vol_cifs" then the snapshot job fails.

  • When you select a share "vol_cifs2" that is exported by an SVM named "" as a backup selection, the selection must be entered as "\\\vol_cifs2".

    If you enter the backup selection as "\\VS2\vol_cifs2" or "\\\vol_cifs2" then the snapshot job fails.

  • When you select a share "vol_cifs2" that is exported by an SVM with the LIF "" as a backup selection, the selection must be entered as "\\\vol_cifs3".

See Configuring a Standard or MS-Windows policy to protect NAS volumes or SAN-connected devices.


Replication Director for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP supports NAS only at this time.

Standard or MS-Windows with NDMP Data Mover enabled

For a Standard policy with NDMP Data Mover enabled:

  • The Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) must be added as an NDMP host in NetBackup.

  • You should keep in mind the following naming conventions:

    • The junction name cannot be different from the volume name. When you mount the volume in the SVM's namespace, make sure that the junction name is the same as the volume name.

      For example, if you have a volume "vol_nfs" on the SVM "vs1", you should use the junction name "vol_nfs" when you mount the volume.

    • The mount path must use the host name as the SVM name. The SVM name must be spelled out exactly as it appears in the OnCommand Unified Manager. You cannot use the IP address of a data LIF when you mount an SVM's volumes.

      For example, the mount point "/mnt/vol_nfs" on the NetBackup client refers to "vs1:/vol_nfs", where vs1 is the SVM name and "vol_nfs" is the junction path for the volume "vol_nfs".

For a Windows policy with NDMP Data Mover enabled:

  • The SVM must be added as an NDMP host in NetBackup.

  • You should keep in mind the following naming conventions:

    • Any share that is created as an export volume must have the same name as the volume name.

      For example, the volume "cifs_vol" on SVM "vs1" must be exported using the share name "cifs_vol". The name is case-sensitive.

    • The share name must use the host name as the SVM name. The SVM name must be spelled out exactly as it appears in the OnCommand Unified Manager. You cannot use the IP address of a data LIF as the share name.

      For example, the share "cifs_vol" on the SVM "vs1", must be specified as "\\vs1\cifs_vol".

See Configuring a Standard or MS-Windows policy to protect clients using NDMP with Data Mover.


  • Make sure that the node-scoped NDMP is disabled:

    system services ndmp node-scope-mode off

    system services ndmp node-scope-mode status

  • To generate a password for the NDMP user, run the following command:

    vserver services ndmp generate-password - vserver vserver_name -user user

  • Remote NDMP and three-way NDMP backups are supported for Clustered Data ONTAP Backup From Snapshot operations. To perform three-way backup operations, any devices and storage units must be configured for the tape devices that are attached to the clustered storage system. You must add the NDMP host using the cluster-management LIF in NetBackup. After the storage units are configured for the cluster storage system, they can be used as the destination in an SLP for three-way backups. Refer to the NetBackup NDMP Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • Add the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) as an NDMP host in NetBackup.

    You must enter the SVM name exactly as the OnCommand Unified Manager sees it when you create the policy. For example, if the SVM name in the OnCommand Unified Manager is a fully qualified domain name, you must use the SVM's fully qualified domain name when you create the policy. The entry is case-sensitive.

    When you select a volume named "vol_nfs" that is on an SVM named "vs1" as a backup selection, the selection must be entered as "/vs1/vol_nfs". Alternatively, you can use the IP address of a LIF belonging to the SVM to configure a backup policy for NDMP.

  • For the Backup From Snapshot operation to work correctly, make sure that an Intercluster LIF is created on each node of the cluster.

    You should enable a firewall policy for NDMP service on the Intercluster LIF:

    • You can use following NetApp command to verify that the firewall policy is enabled for NDMP:

      system services firewall policy show-policy intercluster

      Make sure that the NDMP services are allowed for the "intercluster" policy. If the "Allowed" column displays "", it means that the firewall policy is enabled and that all clients can connect to the NDMP service on the Intercluster LIF.

    • If the firewall policy is not enabled for NDMP, use the following NetApp command to enable it:

      system services firewall policy modify -vserver cluster1 -policy intercluster -service ndmp

  • The destination SVM must be added as an NDMP host in NetBackup for Backup From Snapshot to work from a replica.

  • For a Live Browse to work, enable the following extension on Clustered ONTAP 8.3:

    set advanced

    vserver services ndmp extensions modify -is-extension-0x2050-enabled true

  • If you use the ALL_FILESYSTEMS directive in an NDMP policy for Clustered Data ONTAP, you must exclude the SVM's root volume using the VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST directive.

    For example, to exclude the root volume "root_vs1" of the SVM "VS1" you would use the following directive:


    For more information, refer to the following topic:


  • To enable indexing, you must add a disk array host to NetBackup. Complete the steps in the following procedure:

    See Configuring indexing for an NDMP policy.

See Configuring an NDMP policy to protect a NAS host.


When you create an NFS datastore on a VMware ESX host and the datastore refers to a volume that the SVM exported, the server name must be entered exactly as it appears in the OnCommand Unified Manager. The server name entry refers to the SVM name. This entry is case-sensitive. If the server name is not entered correctly, the NetBackup snapshot job fails. Alternatively, you can use the IP address of the SVM LIF to specify a server name instead of the SVM name.

If the NetBackup VMware host is a Windows computer, make sure that the appropriate name-mapping rule is created on the SVM that exports the volume for the VMware datastore. The name-mapping rule should map the user under which the NetBackup Client Service is running to the UNIX user "root".

For example, SVM1 is a storage virtual machine that exports a volume to the ESX NFS datastore. You should create a Windows-UNIX name-mapping rule on SVM1 that maps the Windows user "DOMAINAME1\Administrator" to the UNIX user "root", where "DOMAINAME1\Administrator" is the account for NetBackup Client service on the VMware backup host. You should create similar name-mapping rules on any other peer SVMs where replicated volumes are created.

Refer to the following NetApp document for more information:

Refer to the following topic for more information about configuring VMware backup policies:

See Configuring a policy for virtual machines to use Replication Director.


Oracle provides specific requirements for the mount commands that you use when you mount Oracle database components to NetApp filers. Refer to your Oracle documentation for more information. When you create a mount point for Oracle operations, you must use an NFS version 3 volume. Make sure that the volume is created using the parameters that are specified in the Oracle documentation.

Oracle backup policies may only include any data files that exist on the filer mount point. Backup selections can include tablespaces, individual data files, or whole databases so long as they exist on the filer mount point. If backup selections include any file other than a data file or any files that do not exist on the mount point, the backup operations fail.

Refer to the following topics for more information about configuring Oracle backup policies:

See Using NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director.

See Protecting volumes with nested junctions for Clustered Data ONTAP.

See Limitations to using Clustered Data ONTAP with Replication Director.